Forum Thermomix
Questions Doubts and Requests => Recipe Requests => Topic started by: gertbysea on August 31, 2010, 01:48:55 am
Does anyone have a recipe or a suggestion for cooking lambs brains in the Thermomix?
First catch your lamb, then..........................
As a little kid I always 'helped' my Dad kill the sheep for meat. I had my own little knife that I would use to remove the tongue and he helped with the brains. So Gretchen I can give detailed instructions on getting them, but not cooking them in the TMX or eating them. Despite insisting that I would eat them after I had removed them I would never touch them.
I hope someone can help you. Perhaps in the Varoma with a white sauce underneath. I really have no idea.!!
Well that is not a bad idea at all Cookie1. Cooking a tongue in the TMX would be easy peasy.
I don't actually like handling brains but love to eat them. Funny that as I love handling other organs. I did a lot of bowel surgery when I was an operating theatre sister and loved the hands on. I think I could handle butchering a lamb just because I love anatomy. People are strange aren't they? :D :D :D
I had my own little knife that I would use to remove the tongue and he helped with the brains.
you should be renamed tufflilcookie :D
Thanks CP63.
Gretchen I'll come and help you. I think you would need an interest in anatomy to do work as you have. I have a fascination with it, brought on by- I think by Dad, who always pointed everything out when he killed sheep or chickens. I honestly don't know if I could actually slaughter an animal (I think I could) but I could do the rest of the work.
Well we once had a goat loose on the street. Someone called the Animal Rescue. They came to our house looking for it and insisted on looking UNDER the bed. True story.
Turns out the goat was for our Italian neighbours Easter Dinner but the Animal Rescue girls found it first and it went to a good home.
Opportunity lost I say! Maybe next time. ;D ;D ;D
Gertbysea, I love brains, and although not as brave as Cookie, will cook and eat them. I would soak them in salty water. No need to peel/skin them. Steam in Varoma for about 10 mins. and then cook them in egg and bread crumbs... Eat with fresh bread and salt and pepper. Also bacon if you wish. A meal made in heaven.
Could never touch them myself but would be interested to know how they taste cooked like that Chookie.
Good one achookwoman. Nah I never peel them. Why bother I say. I really don't want to be bothered to breadcrumb them but it might be easier after they are steamed up a bit and easier to handle. I also like cookie 1's idea of steaming with white sauce.
I am taking them out of the freezer now so tomorrow if no one has a more inventive method I will see how they are after steaming in the Varoma.
I recently made some yummy cabbage rolls in the Varoma. I am tryiing to use it more.
My DH is the cabbage roll maker in this family. He was taught by his Mum. The fact that we eat them for a week is fine. :-)) :-))
My my that is a good effort. We took three days to eat ours but that was breakfast and dinner!
Sorry girls but you can keep your brain recipes.The very thought just makes me shiver, too squeamish to even taste them.
You could poach them in the basket inside the TM bowl at about 80 degs? with stock or water and celery/carrot/onion etc in the water?
You could put them in same and do in the varoma as Chookie suggested.
Love em Yum
Really wished I hadn't opened this post :-X :-X :-X :-X
Gretchen has a wonderful way of sucking people in ILB - a bit like Pandora's Box, you have to open it to see what it is all about :D :D
Too funny Judy. With the brains Ii did as Thermomixer said
You could poach them in the basket inside the TM bowl at about 80 degs? with stock or water and celery/carrot/onion etc in the water?
You could put them in same and do in the varoma as Chookie suggested.
Love em Yum
Then I relented to DH's wishes and fried them in Parmasen bread crumbs. I cooked the potatoes in the stock after removing some which I reduced on the stove and added a touch of cream to make a lovely sauce. So fried brains on yummy mash with creamy sauce. Lovely leftovers for breakfast with sour dough toast. Heaven.
Good work Gerty. Now I'm hungry. :-* :-* :-*
Gert, what a good combination of ideas. Yum.