Forum Thermomix
Welcoming Center, Management and General Chat => Chit Chat => Topic started by: dede on January 20, 2011, 09:45:41 am
I have had my TM for only one week and went grocery shopping today for the first time since having my TM. I only shop f/nightly and for a family of 7 I usually spend around the $400 mark, but today I spent $290. I was thrilled. I have done so much cooking and am excited about trying new recipes. It was lovely walking past items in the supermarket thinking 'I can make that'. I am hoping that next f/night I will spend less again. My TM is already starting to pay for its self.
dede I found mine paid for itself quite quickly. I didn't think we bought much processed food but my trolley is now nearly empty (I do fruit, veg and meat separately) and bills are generally tiny.
Its amazing, I have never really put alot of thought into what I buy. We have to eat so I just buy it. But I am totally looking at things differently now and I can see some major changes coming up. Oh and I have lost over 1kg as well. So I am over the moon with my TM purchase. Worth every cent.
I think I actually spent more in the beginning! :P
After reading through many recipes, and thinking I would make them all in the first 2 weeks....I was adding spices, nuts, herbs etc. in my basket like a mad woman :D
Same here maddy, I used to always shop in advance then forget what I had bought something for. I now make a note of the recipe on the back of my shopping list and put the recipe in my 'to do this week or next week' pile in the kitchen. Living out of the freezer for the past 2 weeks has meant I have been spending less than $50 a week.
Living out of the freezer for the past 2 weeks ...
I knew it was hot in Australia now JD, but I didn't realise it was that hot ;D ;D :D :D ;)
Sorry for quoting out of context - just couldn't resist.
rofpmsl Katya!
Me too ;D ;D ;D ;D Good one Katya :-*
I found the same dede. My DH writes things that we used to get on the shopping list and I scratch them because I also say I can make that. We stock core ingredients and from that the choice is endless. We've even reduced the amount we eat at mealtimes because what we are eating is so much more nutritious.
Me too, I have tracked my grocery bill for the last few years 2009 averaged about $270 a week, 2010 ( got TM in April ) averaged $210, so the TM paid for itself in the remainder of that year, this year should be even a little bit cheaper...and we eat better food!
If only I could live in the freezer..................just kidding. I have noticed my grocery bill has gone down, I think. I haven't taken a heck of a lot of notice. The fresh food bit has as I now shop at The Spud Shed for most vegies and fruit. I do find that I have to be selective there as I still want really good quality stuff. (even if it is so much cheaper) :P
I only shop f/nightly and for a family of 7 I usually spend around the $400 mark, but today I spent $290.
wow! Are you saying food only, or your entire shopping bill? The food that we buy doesn't really come to that much I suppose because its made from scratch, its just all the other non-food items that bump the shopping bill way up and for a family of 5 adults we would probably spend $350 with everything included.
I spend about $120 at the supermarket a week plus $200 a month at the butcher and $50 a fortnight at the fruit and veg markets.
So all up around $200 a week. We don't buy processed food except the occasional pack of 2 minute noodles.
sue h what do you have as your core ingredients? I would love to say our grocery bill has gone down but with all the lovely recipes everyone posts I think I might even be spending more! would love to get that grocery bill down.
For our family of four (2 adults & 2 small children) I budget $800 per month (or 4 week period):
$310 supermarket - food, cleaning products, toiletries etc
$240 fruit, veg, cream & milk
$130 butcher
$120 organic order (oil, flour, grain, rapadura etc)
I do the fruit & veg etc weekly, the supermarket and butchery shopping monthly and the online organic order every 3 months. I don't think our total has gone down at all since having the TM but we now eat a lot of organic food. I could never have afforded organic food before. :)
P.S - We do get given a freezer full of beef twice a year also. ;D
My grocery bill has already dropped too, 3 weeks since we began using the TM. I had a lot of the basics in the cupboard (because I love to bake) but having three kids under 4, I just haven't had time. So being able to make things SO much quicker now, I've gone back to using just basics, and Coles only got $78.50 from me today :) (weekly shop). And now the girls get to rollout cookies (i.e play with cookie dough ;)) this afternoon because it took me 2 minutes to whip up.
I bet they loved it too Lucy.
My pantry consists of a variety of flours, grains, spices, nuts, nut oils, olive oil, honey, raw sugar, vinegars (bought from bulk food distributor), dried fruits (either home made or bulk order) fridge of small amount of milk, eggs, butter, fruit and veges (only seasonal product from local markets), meats and fish (local seafood shop and butcher). I’ve slowly started to use up my bought curry pastes, tomato pastes, sauces, mustards etc. As I run out things I just buy the ingredients to make it from scratch. If I don’t have an ingredient because it’s not in season or just not in my pantry I consult my Food Substitute Bible (there are also web sites that do this ‘The Cooks Thesaurus’). My TM consultant buys organic flour and grains in bulk so I’ll be purchasing from her when she puts in the next order. I haven’t gone organic yet as it’s taken 2 months to wean my family of store bought cordials, processed cereals, sugary yogurts, bread, crackers, dips, chips etc. They are seeing the benefits though so the next step will be more organics.This is cheaper for now, but I suspect the cost may go up again as we move to organic but not more than what we were spending 2 months ago so that is a good thing.
I am hoping mine will go down too, although I suspect it may be a bit more at first! lol. For those of you in Australia who do bulk orders of organic grains and flours, sugars etc, where do you find the best place to do it?
:) My grocery bill has gone down about $50-$70 per week too.
I make as much as possible from scratch,all meals, biccies, cakes, soups, dips, yoghurts, custards.
we have never eaten any take away really in the last 9 years, as we live 25 minutes from one.
Now we also have 2 large vege gardens aswell, so I buy alot less.
I am hoping mine will go down too, although I suspect it may be a bit more at first! lol. For those of you in Australia who do bulk orders of organic grains and flours, sugars etc, where do you find the best place to do it?
I love biodistributors online. They are a wonderful company who give a large % of their profits each year to charity. I find their prices and delivery charges very competitive. :)