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Messages - Gralke

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 12
Main Dishes / Re: Bhoona Gosht
« on: May 06, 2010, 08:47:59 pm »
I made this last week with different Meat - delicious!

Chit Chat / Re: Home Made pasta shapes
« on: April 23, 2010, 02:14:14 pm »
me too - I don't have a KA but would love to have one of these attachments.
Enjoy JulieO, enjoy!

Vegetarian / Some Photos of these Carrot and zucchini fritters
« on: April 23, 2010, 02:09:57 pm »
I made these yesterday and found them very tasty and so simple to make. I had no ricotta so I used Quark and it worked well.

frying the fritters
fritters ready to eat
(extension of the view LOL)

Easy and tasty

I have just rectified a mistake I made - 6 minutes on speed 4 with butterfly...

Thanks Barbara - great tip.  I have the Christina galliano book somewhere (one of those illegal pdf copies from the internet)

Thanks again  :-* :-* :-* :-*

I know about those copies....

I am now going to try this version to make the base for tiramisu. Last month I made a sponge cake as a base for this dessert and let it rest in the fridge for 1 day and as the days where passing (it was quite a big amount) the dessert kept improving both in taste and structure so I am making it today for Sunday (sound odd I know - reminds me of JulieO's German Cherry cake).
I will let you know of the outcome


I have made the cake but did not notice much improvemente. Sorry

I learned the following method which has worked well for me:
Cut potatoes into smallish cubes, place butterfly over blades, put on the scale, place potatoes in Tm and add half the weight minus 100grs of milk, some butter, salt and any other seasoning you usually add. Programme 25 minutes, 100 on speed 3 and ignore the bubbling of milk which comes up for the first 5 or 10 minutes. Normally, at the end of cooking time the consistence is perfect and needs no further processing.

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: Portuguese Cookbook Index
« on: April 11, 2010, 09:24:30 am »
Pleasure - If anybody would like a translation let me know!!!

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: Portuguese Cookbook Index
« on: April 07, 2010, 12:44:55 am »
Açorda de camarão
Açorda de tomate
Apple crumble
Arroz de Bacalhau com espinafres e feijão
Arroz doce
Arroz de frango
Arroz malandrinho de tomate e pimento
Arroz de marisco
Arroz mediterrânico
Arroz de pato
Arroz de polvo
Arroz tipo paelha
Azevias de grão

Bacalhau à Brás
Bacalhau com coentros
Bacalhau com espargos
Bacalhau Espiritual
Bacalhau com natas
Batidos de fruta
Bavaroise de baunilha e creme de caramelo e café
Bechamel com cogumelos
Bifes de cebolada
Bifinhos marroquinos
Bolachas de cerveja
Bolachas de chocolate
Bolinhos de Olinda
Bolo Algarvio
Bolo de claras
Bolo Inglês
Bolo Iogurte
Bolo de laranja
Bolo de mármore
Bolo de noz
Bolo rápido
Bola rápida de carne
Brandada de bacalhau

Calda de açúcar
Caldeirada de marisco
Caldeirada de peixe
Caldo verde
Canja de galinha
Caril de frango
Carne à angolana
Carne com massa folhada
Chapéus de cogumelos
Chau min de gambas
Cheesecake (light)
Chilli com carne
Chocolate Quente
Cobertura de chocolate
Cobertura glacê branca
Cobertura glacê simples
Cogumelos salteados com alho
Comida infantis
Comportas, doces e marmeladas
Coroa de atum
Cous-cous ao vapor
Cozido à portuguesa
Creme de alhos franceses
Creme de cogumelos
Creme de camarão e salmão
Creme de courgettes
Creme de ervilhas
Creme inglês
Creme de limão
Creme pasteleiro

Delicia de chocolate
Doce de aproveitamentos
Doce de laranja com pedacinhos
Doce de morango
Doce de tomate
Dourada ao sal

Empada galega
Empada de galinha
Ervilhas com ovos escalfados
Esparguete com frango
Espinafres à bimby

Favas guisadas
Fettuccini com bacon, fiambre e natas
Fumet de camarão
Flocos de aveia

Gelado de morango
Gelado rápido sem preparações anteriores
Gelado de baunilha
Gelado de chocolate
Geleia de marmelo
Granizado de café
Granizado de champanhe
Granizado de limão
Gratinado da Leonor
Gratinado de lulas
Guisado de borrego

Iogurte para bebés

Jardineira de carne

Lasanha vegetariana
Leite-creme tropical
Linguado com estragão
Lombinhos de porco com molho madeira
Lombo à Mari Cármen
Lulas com molho de mostarda

Maionese sem ovo
Marquize de chocolate
Massa chouz
Massa para crepes
Massa empadas
Massa folhada
Massa pizza
Massa para rissóis
Massa quebrada
Massa sablé
Massa tenra
Mexilhões com molho p+picante
Molho béarnaise
Molho bechamel
Molho de caril
Molho holandês e molho Mousseline
Molho para lombo
Molho pesto
Molho picante
Molho pimenta verde
Molho de roquefort
Molho tártaro
Molho de tomate
Moqueca de camarão
Mousse de atum
Mousse de chocolate
Mousse de limão

Néctar de cenoura
Néctar de laranja
Nectar de manga e laranja


Pãezinhos da carolina
Pão de passas ou nozes
Pão de queijo (Brasil)
Pão saloio
Pasteis de bacalhau
Pasteis de massa tenra
Pasteis de nata
Pataniscas de bacalhau
Paté de abacate
Paté de atum
Patê de chouriço
Patê de fígado
Paté de fumados
Patê marinheiro
Patê de queijos
Patê de salmão
Peito de frango enrolado
Pescada surpresa em papillote
Picado de abelha
Pudim de carne enformado
Pudim flan
Puré de castanhas

Quadrados de chocolate
Quiche lorraine
Quiche rápida

Recheios de peru
Recheio para tortas
Rissóis de camarão
Rolinhos de peru
Rolo de carne

Salada 4 estações
Salsichas enroladas em couve lombarda
Sardinhas frescas em papelote
Sopa alentejana
Sopa de cação
Sopa de meloa
Sopa de pedra
Sorvete rápido de limão
Soufflé de brócolos e milho
Soufflé de queijo

Tamboril à americana
Tampa do mar
Tarte de maçã
Tarte de limão e merengue
Tarte de trufa e natas
Torta de camarão
Torta de laranja



Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: Portuguese Cookbook Index
« on: April 06, 2010, 02:30:52 pm »
I will post the index but maybe your client would like to know that a new basic cook book has come out recently - as per information received by my demonstrator. The previous one and all other portuguese books are for sale on the Vorwerk Portuguese site online.

Copied from Cristina Galliano’s Spanish Thermomix recipe book and translated by myself.
How to make a quality sponge:
Start by mixing the flour and the baking powder for 30 seconds on speed 3. This is to incorporate air in the mixture, previously we would pass the flour through a sieve held high to incorporate air (at least this is how Delia Smith tells one to do it)

All cakes/sponges are processed by the same method in the Thermomix and the trick for them to come out of the oven very airy and high is put over the butterfly over the blades and beat the sugar and the whole eggs with no temperature for 6 minutes on speed 4 until the mixture takes on a pale colouring. Using no heat makes the batter spongier.

The flour is the last item to be added to the batter and incorporated gently only for 2 seconds on speed 4, to avoid spoiling the airy sponge batter. If 2 seconds is not enough then programme further 1 or 2 seconds (my note: then I would use a whisk and incorporate the flour gently by hand - this is the crucial point in cakes as here all is saved or all is spoiled)


Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: EDC Sponge cake - Don't bother
« on: April 06, 2010, 11:32:31 am »
I wonder if anyone has tried the tip from Cristina Galliano to make a airy sponge: Pulverize sugar until really fine, put butterfly in place, add eggs (yolk and white) and beat for 6 minutes! with temperature 37º open speed 3,5 and repeat for another 6 minutes same speed, no temperature. NO MICROCUP in place to let air into the TM. It always surprises me the amount of air that is incorporated this way. Then add the flour gently for 10 seconds on speed 3, so not to disturb the air in the dough. I sometimes incorporate the flour with a whisk by hand and do not bother to turn the TM on.

I have translated the tips and tricks from Cristina Galliano on cake making

On the notes I have translated the beating times are a little different and have no temperature, I can't really explain why, sorry.

There was a basic starter soup in the latest Bimby Magazine - fill up the main body with loads of different vegetables (800grs) and in the varoma they had a chicken breast, a fillet of fish and some veal, all in those plastic bags you can cook in the varoma with (and in the oven - they are heat resistant). Then all is cooked for 30 minutes - temp. varoma, speed 1. Remove varoma, add some olive oil, and process soup to satisfaction. Reserve soup. Add 600grs to TM and process again with one of the meat and then repeat with other meat and fish. This makes quite a few portions of starter baby soup with three different sources of protein.

Cakes / Re: Scones - Nay-nay's family recipe
« on: January 30, 2010, 03:26:18 pm »
I made these scones last Sunday and they are really wonderful. Thank you for a fantastic recipe. Scones can be fiddly and hard once baked but these are great. I made half a recipe and it made many - cut with the mc.
I converted into grams as follows:
510g self raising flour
2 tbsp sugar
pinch of salt
200g cream
250g milk


Non Thermomix Recipes / Re: Char grilled Italian vegetables
« on: January 27, 2010, 10:25:26 pm »
I won't bother as the peel does not bother me - when grilling on charcoal the skin comes of easily - its just that Paul suggesting skinning before grilling and I thought I was missing a vital point. But I am happy - have done this recipe now 3 times (once without the seasoning, only the olive oil) and all made a lovely salad.

Chit Chat / Re: Truffle oil
« on: January 27, 2010, 10:23:38 pm »
Thank you - I will have to check it as I bought some month ago... and must say Iput it in rice (not risotto) and did not think the taste was wonderful - It might be one of those taste one has to "adquire"....

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