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Messages - SunStone

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I have gone 80-90% raw and I feel so good. Lots of energy. Its summer and its easy to live mostly on fruit and salad, with tastes of other things. I eat a bit of meat as I cook for my family,  but have cut out dairy completely. 
I have some raw cook books, including Rawlicious. Just wondering what might be out there for the TM that I haven't discovered.

By the way, green smoothies rock. I make green juices and green smoothies in the TM every day, for the whole family.

Green smoothie recipe: 40% leafy greens (cos lettuce, kale, baby spinach etc) and 60% fruit (bananas, mangoes, blueberries etc). Blend and drink- tastes like fruit but has the goodness of greens.

Green juice- I pick some kale leaves and mint leaves from the garden and blend with two cut up whole apples, with some water. Then I strain and drink. Yum.


Introduce Yourself / Intro- another Perthite
« on: November 06, 2009, 11:57:38 am »
I have had my Thermomix about a month now I think, maybe more, and I am absolutely loving it, as I am sure you all understand. I have felt quite disheartened cooking for my very fussy family, even though I like to cook....the Thermomix has allowed me to make things I never dreamt I could, and the family love it.
I am a homeschooling mum and my teens are also enjoying making things during the day (like iced coffees!).
I have popped in and out and an glad for these forums and thought I had better post an intro....hope to visit frequently.

Recipe Requests / Re: sourdough bread recipe wanted
« on: November 06, 2009, 11:52:26 am »
Thanks...I havent had a chance to try it but now I get what to do.

Recipe Requests / sourdough bread recipe wanted
« on: October 27, 2009, 06:09:25 am »
Hi, I am loving making bread in my TM and I want to venture into the world of sourdough breadmaking. I am ok with getting the starter going. Its more that I want someone who has BTDT to share the TM recipe. I could find a normal sourdough bread recipe and translate it to TM speak with some trial and error (I havent ever done that yet), but I am hoping someone has already done it.

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