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Messages - SRfam

Pages: [1]
Main Dishes / Re: Links to meals serving 2-3 people
« on: January 29, 2014, 01:36:29 am »
Judy, Thanks so much for this list !

Bread / Bread Made with Vitamin C Powder
« on: January 26, 2014, 02:10:44 am »
I've been making some really great breads recently and thought that I would share:-

I've put this and other breads on my Facebook Page.  I'm not sure if it's alright to share that page here, so I'll leave it out for now.

This one is Plain White Bread.

 330 g water
 2 teaspoons dried yeast
 600 g bakers flour
 1-2 teaspoons salt
 1 teaspoon sugar
 2 pinches Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid Powder
 15 g EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)

 Place water and yeast into mixing bowl and heat 2 min / 37 degrees / speed 1
 Add flour, sugar, Ascorbic Acid, salt and oil.
 Knead 6 min / Interval setting dough mode
 Place dough in an oiled bowl and cover with cling film.
 Place bowl in a warm place and leave until doubled in size. At least an hour to prove.
 Once proved, knock down by punching down on the dough.
 Turn the dough onto Thermomat or baking paper and give a light knead.
 Shape to fit in tin. Or shape into rolls. Once again cover with cling film and allow to prove until dough reaches the top of bread tin or for rolls approximately 20 – 30 minutes
 Heat oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Bake for approximately 30 minutes. Bread should be golden in colour and give a hollow sound when you knock on the bottom.
 Tip bread out of tin and continue to cook in oven for a further 5 minutes to crisp the outside of your loaf.
 For a grainy/seed loaf of bread add 120 g seeds and grains when you add the flour.

Recipe Requests / Re: Homebrew - any one given it a go ?
« on: December 02, 2013, 05:57:01 am »
Thanks Gert, I really appreciate that.  Not doing it myself, I didn't even consider the capacity of the bowl.  That makes perfect sense now that you mention it .  Thanks Again !

Questions? Technical Issues? The Survival Guide / Re: Almond - Something ??
« on: December 02, 2013, 05:55:13 am »
Ha ha !  thanks so much Cookie1, achookwoman, snappy and Halex!  That's really cool ! Pulsing is obviously the key, yes I did just woosh it for about 15 seconds (without looking in the hole) and was so surprised by the result!  I do love the taste of the "almond butter" (thanks for educating me) so I'm thrilled !  Next time - short pulses will do for me !  Thanks again.

Recipe Requests / Re: Homebrew - any one given it a go ?
« on: November 30, 2013, 11:48:16 pm »
Hi All !

Thanks Judy - yes what a nice surprise !

Cookie1 - I think at first he would love to buy his brew and make it in his Thermomix.  But ultimately he wants to get to a point that he can make it from scratch.  He may just have to be the one to do it the first time and then he can share with all of us ! 

Thank you so much to the rest of you for your welcome wishes I really appreciate it!  I'm hoping that as time goes by I can contribute more than I'm asking - that would be really exciting !  Thanks all so very much for your help.

I've yet to get my friend on this Forum, but I'm sure he will be on in his own time.


Questions? Technical Issues? The Survival Guide / Almond - Something ??
« on: November 30, 2013, 11:35:38 pm »
Hi clever people !

I was blissfully thinking that I was going to make some Almond Flour.  But I now have something more akin to almond butter, here is what I did - can someone please tell me what to do with what I have created - Its quite yummy so I'm close to something, just not sure what !!  Ha ha ! Help please??

So I soaked and blanched about 500 grams of raw almonds.
Dried them out on a towel for a couple of hours
Blitzed the almonds (2 batches) in Thermie speed 9 for about 30 seconds - my mixture now resembled bread crumbs.
It still seemed a little damp so I thought, I know "I'll dehydrate them in the oven".  So onto a baking tray they went.  In the oven temp about 50 degrees Celsius with door ajar to allow moisture out.
Now my nuts are dry and I have allowed them to cool completely - right I think, time to blitz them into almond flour (I'm sure I can hear some chuckles from you knowing people by about now)
No I didn't get flour - I have paste! 
What do I do next - is this yummy mixture almond paste?  Should I whip it into almond something else or be happy with this stuff I have made and get a recipe next time !  ha ha! 

I love learning about my Thermie - I'm chuckling at my own ignorance - and loving that I have stumbled onto something - but I don't know what I've stumbled on to !  ha ha !

 Help Please?  thanks !  Oh and by the way - how do I make almond flour ?   :D

Recipe Requests / Re: Homebrew - any one given it a go ?
« on: November 30, 2013, 06:29:21 am »
Hi Judy !

I've had my machine for just over 2 months now.  I have been loving this forum so much - I've made quite a few recipe's from it.  Only just decided it was time to stop "viewing" and start "participating".  Thanks so much for the wonderful idea's you have shared - actually your Broccoli Cheese Soup is one of my favourite recipe's!

Thanks for noticing my little post - I'm surprised and really appreciate it!

Looking forward to being part of the Forum.

Sharon. (SRfam)

Recipe Requests / Homebrew - any one given it a go ?
« on: November 29, 2013, 05:37:11 pm »
Hi to all you very clever people !

I have a dear friend who like me has a Thermomix (yay !).  He makes a lot of homebrew and we have been trying to find him a way to do it in his Thermomix - Any suggestions ?

thanks so much in advance :)

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