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Messages - Rafaël

Pages: [1]
Cakes / Re: Nigella's Chocolate Chip Muffins
« on: July 04, 2014, 09:31:18 pm »
Even in Belgium, your recepy is a success! I sell at least a dozen a day, made with belgian chocolate of course!! Thank you from the bottom of my hart for this tip.
PS if you have some more tips, let me know, you might be famous in Belgium!!
Grts Rafaëljavascript:void(0);

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi from Belgium
« on: July 04, 2014, 09:16:27 pm »
Hi from Belgium as well!!! I just discovered this site and also realised that TM is custumly used in Australia?  Whenever you need a helping hand in coocking, you can always contact me! I'll try to be your helping hand, but do not forget our australian friends, they are used to the TM! Grts Rafaël

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