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Messages - Petruka

Pages: [1]
News about Thermomix / Re: New Model Thermomix, truth or rumour?
« on: September 15, 2014, 04:37:47 am »
This forum is one of the reasons why I am considering going the 2nd hand route. It seems that the biggest strength of this machine is the people itself who make up forums like this one. The TM31 is a proven machine but it is the lack of warranty 2nd hand that worries me a little as you can never be sure what happened to it previously. Locally there are a couple going for $1300 1 y/o with extras like 2nd bowls etc. If anything goes wrong though I think the repair cost would negate all savings over buying the new one with the warranty. Like most I have a kitchen full of individual appliances and like the idea of losing a few just to de-clutter. Having 1000's of great looking recipes across these forums that keep catching my eye is just a bonus. Thinking of heading back to uni for a 2nd degree and becoming very time poor once more which is what got me back into researching the thermomix again.

News about Thermomix / Re: New Model Thermomix, truth or rumour?
« on: September 15, 2014, 03:04:33 am »
New member, here. Hoping to have a Demo on the new machine in the next couple weeks to see and play. Seems pretty crazy all that is going on with the new release, only started looking into these machines seriously in the last month but held off due to the rumour mill, thanks guys. I have noticed the price disparity between Australia and overseas and found this article today
If the figures are correct & she bought her first 196 units for $50k, that's only $255 per unit wholesale. How does a unit $255 unit become a $2k unit? I have known several people who own and rave about their thermies, which from all accounts are an awesome machine, but struggling in myself to justify why I should support such a mark-up which only occurs here in Aus. I guess it's just my principles about what is a reasonable mark-up holding me back as I would not want to support a business that profiteers of a captive market. The 2nd hand prices are great atm, but am worried about the lack of warrenty on a machine that I have no first hand experience using. If you were in my position and seriously considering becoming a first time owner given your experience, would you recommend getting 2nd hand tm31 or going the tm5? Great product, terrible distributer conflict... TY guys.

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