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Messages - Shieldsy

Pages: [1]
Hi everyone,

Thanks for replying! I'll check out CP's list as recommended, looks great at first glance!

Cookie1 I'm slowly making my way through the main meals section haha, it'll take me a while to sit down and start trying these recipes, but I can't wait to try some!

I love pasta and rice dishes as well as meat and veggies,  the main thing that I wont touch is seafood, the rest is usually fair game haha. I'm thinking I'll look into some quick salads that I can make up to take for lunches. I've been working quite late recently (8:30am~9pm or later on at least one occasion!) so many of my meals have ended up being bought and eaten when I have small intervals.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi! I'm an Australian!
« on: July 06, 2015, 02:00:43 am »
Thanks so much for all of your awesome responses! I've started going through the forums and found so many recipes to bookmark!! Now I just have to find time to go through them all! :D

Introduce Yourself / Hi! I'm an Australian!
« on: July 04, 2015, 02:47:47 am »

My name is David. I'm 22 and I live in Australia. I've just started my PhD in Immunology, which I work (loosely) from 9-5 (often my experiments run overtime so I'm there late or on weekends!). I'm part of a choir that rehearses weekly, and I work at a functions centre on Friday/Saturday nights to supplement my income! I bought my TM5 earlier this year, inspired by my late sister's cooking in her TM31. I love to cook but I don't often have time to cook what I'd like to.

I'm posting here because it seems like this forum has a bit more activity than the Australian forum :D and I need good recipes haha

Hi guys,

I'm new to the forum and I've only recently purchased my TM5. I'm looking for recipes that are quick and easy for weekday dinners, as both my housemate and I have full time jobs, work overtime and have extracurricular activities that often leave little time for cooking. It's not uncommon for one or both of us to arrive home at 6:30 or 7 and not eat till 8-8:30 or later!

I try and make sure we have enough for lunch the next day as well.

If anyone could put me in the direction of some recipes, or perhaps recommend one of the thermomix cookbooks that would be fantastic!



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