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Messages - Kristie

Pages: [1]
Recipe Requests / Re: Chocolate Gelato
« on: November 10, 2009, 06:43:46 am »
Wow, sounds great. Thank you so much!!!

All of the recipes I found on the net seem to need about 6 egg yolks!! I thought this was a bit extreme

Off to buy a choccie bar and give this a go.

Will let you know how it goes.


Kristie ;D ;D

Recipe Requests / Chocolate Gelato
« on: November 09, 2009, 09:07:03 am »
I am soo in the mood for Chocolate Gelato!! Does anyone have a thermomix recipe for this please?.....

I have found a recipe which looks delish but not sure whether or not (or how) it could be converted.

thanks in advance


Gelato maker George Pompei shares his recipe.
•520ml milk
•1 vanilla bean
•Ŋ teaspoon lemon zest
•3 coffee beans
•6 egg yolks
•180g sugar
•180ml cream
1. Pour milk into a heavy-based saucepan. Split vanilla bean lengthways and add to the milk with lemon zest and coffee beans. Bring to a very gentle simmer over low heat for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.

2. Beat egg yolks with sugar in a bowl until they become thick and creamy, then add to milk mixture in saucepan. Return saucepan to a very low heat, stirring gently.

3. Remove just before the mix begins to boil. Set aside for 10 minutes to cool before straining mixture through a sieve into a stainless steel bowl.

4. Scrape seeds from vanilla bean pod into the mixture before discarding pod, lemon zest and coffee beans. Whip cream into soft peaks and gently fold into cooled mixture. Place bowl in the coldest part of the freezer and gently fold the mixture with a metal spoon every 2 hours, or just as the gelato begins to freeze, until fully set.

Best enjoyed within 24 hours. Most home freezers operate around -20ēC, which is why gelato stored at home becomes hard and difficult to scoop. Transfer gelato from the freezer to the fridge 30 minutes before you want to serve it.

Recipe Requests / Not quite sure on where to start...
« on: October 10, 2009, 04:11:45 pm »
Found this beautiful sounding recipe and would love to try it out. Hope I'm posting in the right place.

it's called Kath's Caramel Cake

and where I could probably muddle my way through converting it, would love some hints and tips from those much more experienced than me with the TMX and converting recipes.

Thanks everyone, am very new to this and just love what it can do already.

Ohhh, these would be so yummy with curry inside. I (pre TMX) used to make curry puffs but these would be even better!!

I think I need a bigger fridge lol :-))

Wow, that looks so fantastic. I'm a newbie and am amazed at the things coming out of this machine!!

Great job, I'm all inspired and have all but the cherries in my pantry...I do have a pack of frozen berries though, hmm. ;)

Introduce Yourself / Re: Counting the days until my Thermomix arrives!!
« on: October 02, 2009, 02:52:56 pm »
I used to work in Weld St Cookie1. Still work at the same place but it's moved out to McDaniel Rd/Archer St and I'm currently on maternity leave from there. I go crazy for the mangoes too. We've been here for 4.5yrs now. Came up for a long weekend and decided to stay.

We'd been visiting Broome since 1990 and always loved it. Yep, will be here through the wet season. I'm pretty used to it now - not to say it doesn't still take my breath away at times. See attached pic of my daughter enjoying her 2nd b'day Broome style.

Well, the TMX arrived today and I LOVE IT!! Yep - it's wonderful and I've barely worked out what it does yet. I made an orange sorbet for my first try and my hubby and I were both impressed. Will be making blueberry pancakes for brekky once I have tracked down a recipe.

Can't wait to chat to you all and share more ideas!! ;D :D ;D

Introduce Yourself / Re: Counting the days until my Thermomix arrives!!
« on: October 01, 2009, 04:35:51 pm »
Thanks Cookie1. We really love it here.

I was thinking mango and coconut sorbet - there is an abundance of each wherever we turn pretty much. It's going to be lovely!!  ;D

Introduce Yourself / Re: Counting the days until my Thermomix arrives!!
« on: September 30, 2009, 04:54:45 am »
Thank you so much everyone - going to really enjoy my new toy and it looks like there is so much support for us newbies here!!

Hahaha, I do pinch myself regularly. It's a lovely lifestyle here in Broome. Like you say though Gretchen, some things may be hard to come by. That's a lovely offer - thanks so much.

I loved the ebay test you did cathybenson79 - that was a great idea!!

I have been looking through the recipes and drooling lol, so many delicious things to make!!

I'm not sure what to buy in preparation for this wonderful machine to arrive. I had a look at some scanpan tart, pie and loaf tins today. Are these the kinds of things required? I have previously done most of my cooking in the slowcooker (which I looove) and really not much baking so am a bit clueless to what is needed. I'd like to make pies, quiches, custart tarts etc.

thanks again everyone!!  :D

Introduce Yourself / Counting the days until my Thermomix arrives!!
« on: September 28, 2009, 03:51:45 pm »
Hi all - as the title says, it wont be long!!

And I'm very excited but a bit nervous - such alot of money for a product I have never seen in the flesh.

I live in Broome WA and according to the thermo people, there is no one up her who has one!!! I'm going in blind so to speak!!

We are a family of four, including a 2 year old and a 3 month old. I've read that it's great for making kids meals too.

Anyway, hi to you all


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