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Messages - Abbybs

Pages: [1]
Chit Chat / Re: Purchasing thermomix cookbooks
« on: August 24, 2010, 10:07:24 pm »
Thank you all for the information.

I think I will start with the Fast and Easy, Gluten Free/Wheat Free and the Indian. 

Chit Chat / Purchasing thermomix cookbooks
« on: August 22, 2010, 08:38:30 pm »
I live in the USA and would like to purchase some of the Thermomix cookbooks.  I would love some guidance on where to order from, etc.  I imagine the shipping costs vary greatly. 

Thanks in advance!

Chit Chat / App for iphone/ipad
« on: August 08, 2010, 10:59:06 pm »
I discovered that there is an app for the iphone that is for the Thermomix.  Unfortunately it is in Italian!  I bought it and plan to have my father-in-law help me with translations.  If only one could apply a translation app to another app!  I'll be sure to post any recipes I try from the app.

If you are interested this is a link


Cookbook Contents / Re: GF Recipe List from Spain
« on: June 27, 2010, 02:25:42 pm »
Hi.  My mouth is watering as I look at this list of GF recipes from Spain.  If the list that brazen20au requested are translated I would be thrilled.  I about to try some GF baking in my thermomix for the first time.  GF baking intimidates me the most but I am determined.  I have baked a few of the almond flour recipes from with some success (love the chocolate chip cookies) and also a few from BabycakesNYC a gluten-free vegan bakery in NYC (just cupcakes so far).  Thanks in advance!

I will try that KarenO.  I have tried it twice when making the apricot chicken and both times it has dislodged and I just remove it and turn the speed up a bit.  It turned out fine but I want to figure it out.  Hopefully, the position you mentioned will do the trick.


Hi.  I am attempting to use the butterfly for the first time and when I put it in it just seems to sit loosely on top of the blade.  Is this correct? 

Questions? Technical Issues? The Survival Guide / Hummos question
« on: June 06, 2010, 05:24:58 pm »
Hi.  I am having my first Thermomix day.  I've made veg stock and now am about to make hummos.  I am following the recipe in the book that came with my machine.  The recipe calls for canned chickpeas/garbanzos but doesn't indicate whether they are to be drained.  I would assume drained but want to be sure.

Thanks in advance. 

Introduce Yourself / Hi from Boston
« on: June 01, 2010, 11:57:50 am »
Hello.  My name is Abby and I am joining the forum from Boston.  I just received my Thermomix (via Canada) a few weeks ago.  I am thrilled and can't wait to really get to know it this summer when I have some time off to experiment.  I learned about the Thermomix while trolling for gluten free recipes on blogs.  I am really looking forward to learning from this forum and sharing my successes with the forum. 

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