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Messages - sunshiine

Pages: [1]
Suggestions and Complaints / Re: Scales don't function properly
« on: March 01, 2012, 02:22:40 am »
LOL...yes, won't be holding my breath....... 
I did start to worry that my weight on the floorboards was throwing out the scales on the TM up on the cupboard  haha!
But I did witness the same thing happening when the consultant did a demon at a friend's house (with her own TM) and so I know it's not just me or my situation.

Thanks again for all the ideas and suggestions....much appreciated.   I think the TM company need to address this.   In the meantime, best I get myself some kitchen scales.   (smiles)

Suggestions and Complaints / Re: Scales don't function properly
« on: February 29, 2012, 02:12:23 pm »
Thank you to everyone for your feedback and replies.
I was almost glad to hear that some others have the same issues, so I know it's not "just me".
Thanks also for all the "hints" though none of them resolved this issue.
I don't have the cord trapped under the machine or anything leaning on it....but I do live in an old house with floorboards and limited bench space.   It seems sensitive to any movement - at times, it really feels like it is sensitive to human presence!
So definitely unreliable in so far as measuring accurately.
Maybe I need to hold my breath while pouring ingredients in!
Thank you again for the responses - and don't read this wrong, I love my TM....I just don't much like this idiosyncracy!


Suggestions and Complaints / Scales don't function properly
« on: February 29, 2012, 03:46:46 am »
Does anyone else have this problem?

The measuring scales of the thermomix, are very touchy and jump back and forth.   Depending on whether I step closer to the cupboard the TM is on, or back, of if one of my children approaches the TM, the scales can shift up to 30g either way!!

Now that is not very reassuring when measuring items carefully, as we have no idea just how much of any item has gone in.

If I step away to get another ingredient, when I return, the scales have changed again.

Strangely, I noticed this happening at my friend's house also, when the TM Rep was demonstrating the TM for us all.   The scales would drop down, each time someone moved closer to watch her.

Why is this and what can we do to fix it?   Does anyone know?   (thanks!)

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