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Messages - Vonnie

Pages: [1]
I tried this soup last week was so yummy
I used half sweet potato and potato instead
and you can cut down the cheese as stated before

Chit Chat / Re: Thermochef...
« on: July 08, 2011, 12:00:42 pm »
Just found these today in House Store ,first thing i noticed was there was no reverse button and that it looked like the older version they r doing an in store demo next week, might go see what it can do and report back, but with no reverse its not gonna be much in my house i use it all the time

Chit Chat / Ceasar dressing
« on: December 18, 2010, 03:08:47 pm »
Does anyone have a good creamy ceasar dressing recipe, we use the paul newmans one all the time
but would like to make my own


Introduce Yourself / Re: new to thermomix
« on: December 15, 2010, 02:24:09 pm »
Thanks everyone, you make me feel so welcome,
I must admit that before i got the thermomix my diet was alot more healthy but im sure once the novelty wears off a bit
we can get back to normal eating, I have made the custard with my normal hi=low milk and it turns out just the same
Just made the pear fruit mince ready for the mince pies tomorrow, wow that was so easy and yummy
Just have to take the dog for more walks i think to compensate for being naughty hahahaha

Introduce Yourself / new to thermomix
« on: December 13, 2010, 10:53:36 am »
Hi everyone,
Had my thermomix for over a week now, my question is i was told i would loose weight :-) is that right?
We have done nothing but eat and try recipes, dont think we were gonna loose weight hehehe
so far i've made bread, custard, apricot chicken rissoto, chille con carn,  rice, mashed potato,
tuna pasta, hungarian beef, Beef stroganof,
banana bread, beetroot salad, etc etc the list keeps growing, oh raw chocolate too
I have not had a failure yet, this machine is the best.

Cookbook Contents / Re: GF cookbook recipe list
« on: December 06, 2010, 02:12:56 pm »
Wow I think i need to get this book a.s.a.p

Tips and Tricks / Re: List of Hints and Tips for New Owners
« on: November 26, 2010, 11:18:19 am »
You could use envirocare dishwashing powder non caustic at all.  Find it in your local Health store

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