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Messages - Huon100

Pages: [1]
Non Food Recipes / Re: Lemon Cleaning Concentrate from the UK Thermomix site
« on: September 30, 2012, 09:50:14 pm »
I made the mixture yesterday using ordinary cooking salt ...gave some to neighbours answered all in the middle of spring clean....we all concur " damage to bowls whilst making it  :).  Any hints as to various methods of using the cleaner....  Thank you for this post I'm going to try the other cleaning products now as we've been petrochemically free for years....I'm excited not to have to buy just bicarbonate, vinegar to clean......

Cakes / Re: Quicker then a Packet Cake
« on: October 30, 2011, 02:41:30 am »
I was desperate to make a cake as a thank you for someone who took my son out fishing and I found your recipe.  Thank you so much it was lovely very light and tasty.  I made the vanilla version with vanilla bean and it was absolutely delicious.  I can see how it could be modified with fruit, I may try mango next time.  Thank you again for posting recipe

Chit Chat / Re: Restaurants you would recommend in your area
« on: September 24, 2011, 11:56:41 pm »
Hi we live in Coffs Harbour and sadly I have to say that mostly when we go out to a restaurant here, it is quite a disappointing affair.  I find that the prices are over inflated and/or the food is inconsistent (one day good the next not so) and mostly you walk away and feel quite ripped off that it was not the dining experience you wished for.  That said we have a fabulous Indian take away/restaurant "Aroma's of India" having travelled a lot, it is fairly hard to beat, as well as a good Thai restaurant/take away. Also in a small town called Sawtell there is a lovely cafe called 'Shimmers" they have the best ever Eggs Benedict.  So for now, we just stick to the ones we know.....suppose we are lucky to have them really in a population of eighty thousand plus.         Have a lovely day  :)

Spice Mixes / bacon spice
« on: September 24, 2011, 11:43:27 pm »
Hi fellow Thermomixers, some time ago (probably 3 years now) George Columbaris on Ready Steady Cook made a spice mix up to simulate the taste of bacon.... I have searched high and low and even attempted to contact him. To no avail... did anyone see that segment (long shot I know), or has anyone in their experimentation's come across something that I could use to simulate the taste of bacon..............hope someone can steer me in the right direction.  Have a lovely day  :)

Easter / Re: Recipe review - Hot cross buns EDC - with photos :)
« on: April 22, 2011, 01:28:20 am »
Where would  find this recipe so I can make it today, it sounds like a winner (hotcross buns)

Desserts / Re: Pavlova
« on: December 28, 2010, 09:27:15 am »
Can anyone help me, I found a recipe from chookwomen for pav, tried it and it failed dismally.  for some reason my machine after putting in boiling water went to 50 degrees and I could not get it down, is this normal and how do I cancel temp once started.  I switched off the machine, took the jug off and started again and it just went back to 50........any suggestions?

Introduce Yourself / Just joined
« on: December 23, 2010, 07:12:13 am »
Hi everyone, I have just found your website and became soooo excited, I had to join.  I absolutely love my thermomix and it has become a constant companion for me, over the last 4 months.............just as well it cooks or my husband would divorce is great to see that I am able to chat to others that are keen thermomixers..... Cheers and have a wonderful christmas - Huon100. 

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