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Messages - jsthermie

Pages: [1] 2
Vegetarian / Re: Cyndi O'Meara's vegetarian sausage rolls
« on: December 30, 2017, 01:10:15 am »
Is there any chance at all someone can send me a screenshot of this recipe? My vegetarian daughter leaves the country in a couple days and she requested these for her going away party tomorrow!! I just went to get the list of ingredients and the book is still in storage (just shifted - right before Christmas....) I've made them so many times I'm fairly certain I can remember the shopping list (feta, walnuts, egg, bread for crumbing, parsley, tamari (not sure if that's in there or we've added it over time) onion, pastry) but I can't rely on my memory for amounts and given how sloppy the mix can be I don't want to guess!
So if there is any chance of anyone reading this and can help I would be so appreciative! Otherwise I have to drive to the storage unit and find the right box.....

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: Tenina's eBook Souperbowl
« on: June 05, 2015, 06:01:00 am »
Book is now going to be printed at a cost of $22 and if you preorder now it's post free!

Judy - I haven't written anything on here for ages so not quite sure where to stick this but hopefully you'll see it and shift it!

Recipe review - gingerbread twigs

These are gluten free and pretty darn healthy plus look gorgeous so I was keen to make them as gifts for my coeliac friend.
Flavour 10/10
Consistency ... I couldn't gift them as they didn't turn out :(   Followed the recipe exactly but at the 8 minute mark they were no where near cooked.  10 minute mark came and went - same thing. 15 minutes came and went and then I ended up getting them out of the oven as the recipe says 8-10 minutes until golden and fragrant do not overbake which I thought I must be doing. But they stayed soft and this morning they are even worse - they are floppy and taste like uncooked dough....   I'm hoping someone else makes these and can let me know how they get on - I really want them to work but don't want to experiment too much as they use 1/4kg of medjool dates and we use organic ones which are quite expensive. I'm guessing the fact that the recipe uses medjool dates would be where the problem comes from - depending on how they are stored and how long they are stored determines their moisture content - mine are relatively fresh and have always been sealed - never in an open box in the supermarket.

Linked JD

Chit Chat / Re: Quince paste help needed please
« on: April 25, 2012, 02:28:52 am »
The smell also really intensifies as they rippen!

Cakes / Re: Power balls
« on: April 25, 2012, 02:26:26 am »
I can't seem to get the power ball recipe off Tenina's website  :(

Does anyone have it or is it likely to have been removed due to copyright?

We've only just got into Crio bru and loving it - and I'd love to do more than just drink it!

We've made a couple of batches of these balls recently - makes quite a few - over 40 walnut sized balls! But we found them to be quite squishy.

It has been warm weather wise here so I tweaked things a little bit - added extra coconut - 10g and extra rolled oats - 25g so they weren't quite so sticky.

Mix stays warm for quite a while - so plan ahead to make the mix and cool down in the fridge before making balls.

Use wet fingers to shape balls.

BEST OF ALL - these balls freeze really well! So we freeze them on a tray and once frozen, pop them into a container (freezing them first just as you would berries stops them from freezing in a clump) or ziplock bag. Then pop a couple frozen balls into child's lunchbox and they'll defrost and hopefully not be too squishy by snack time!

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: EDC Torte Caprese
« on: January 10, 2012, 03:04:50 am »
Thanks for that Faffa - good to know - I assumed it was the chocolate brand I was using as it was the only thing different - but if it's not the chocolate I can go back to the more affordable one (and make the cake more often  ;))

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: EDC Torte Caprese
« on: January 09, 2012, 11:26:05 pm »
We love this cake and it is often requested as the birthday cake. I have one thing to say though - use really good quality dark chocolate. One birthday party day when I didn't have time to go to the shops when I realised I didn't have any Lindt chocolate left, I used Cadbury instead (still a dark one). There must be a higher sugar content in this chocolate because (and I'm not making this up) the cake exploded in the oven!  :o The entire middle section apart from a couple centimetres on the bottom, was gone! I didn't have time to make another so I just filled the void with whipped cream before covering the cake with the ganache!  ;D
That's never happened when using the good quality chocolate!

Recipe Book Recipe Reviews / Re: Review - Custard/Creme Patissere EDC
« on: January 09, 2012, 11:09:17 pm »
We use this recipe at least once a week - varying the amount of milk/eggs/flour/sugar (we actually only use rapadura - great toffee flavour!) depending on whether we want it for pouring on pudding or fruit etc.,
A warning though - at my demo the consultant taught me to make banana custard by dropping a whole banana in through the hole in the lid directly onto the spinning blades at sp 4 in the last 30 secs (when the custard is 90degrees). I even asked her if it needed to be turned off first but she assured me there was no need - one of the benefits of a TMX.
So this is what I would do and then one day as I took the lid off to add the banana, some milk splashed out (I hadn't tweaked the amounts in those days so it was as per recipe book) and it hit just below my eye on the soft skin - needless to say even though it was a drop it was a painful burn - so glad it was me and not one of my children.
Not sure if it is customary to teach people this way - if so - be careful - the burn was quite painful and could have been my eyeball! (My consultant at the time didn't adhere to many rules so not surprised if this was one of her own tweakings).

So glad to hear this recipe is better than the EDC one - I made that for the children and was embarrassed at how they didn't work out. But then again, my potato gnocchi in TMX didn't work either so I thought it was me...
Am waiting for my MWOC to arrive at the end of this week - can't wait! What should I try first?

Chit Chat / Re: How to not double up on recipes with book purchases
« on: December 28, 2011, 07:22:11 am »
Thanks Meagan,

I'm in SA - yes I had a demo & bought my machine but wasn't made aware of the thermoserver. I noticed they go for $100 on ebay so I think a demo is the way to go! I've only just started using my varoma (had my machine >2 1/2 years!) as I didn't know how to use it but thanks to the quirky jo blog I'm making fried rice and steaming chicken and veg etc., at least once a week now!

Do you know if I got a steaming demo if I'd still be able to get a thermo server? ($30 sounds very good to me!)

Chit Chat / How to not double up on recipes with book purchases
« on: December 28, 2011, 06:36:13 am »
It's been a while since I posted on here and this is now my second in a matter of moments!

I'm wanting to collect some additional recipe books and have a question - are there books which are just a collection of recipes from all the other books? For example, I was keen to buy the Cindi O'Meara book - but I have the vegetarian, gluten free, lunch box, raw and budget books as well as the EDC. I've come across some of her recipes in some of the books I have already - would I just be doubling up?

Also - as I've never had a consultant beyond the initial purchase (only discovered the other day about the thermoserver which I don't have and didn't know about, and the bread mat) I'm having trouble actually tracking down the books - I notice only some of them seem to be available through head office - is that correct?

If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great!


« on: December 28, 2011, 06:31:21 am »

Has anyone seen this before? I came across it searching ebay today. Nothing to add - just thought it was cute!

Desserts / Re: Peanut butter cookies very easy and GF
« on: November 02, 2011, 10:58:35 pm »
Thanks for this recipe!

I had a whole heap of peanuts from our organic co-op which I didn't want to go stale and so made these biscuits after first making the peanut butter in thermie (using macadamia nut oil).
I also used rapadura as the sugar in the biscuits.
I didn't think they would turn out but they are so YUMMY! Will have to make more  ;)

Babies and Kids / Re: Homemade Milo (GF DF)
« on: July 08, 2011, 02:32:07 am »

I made this as per recipe and it was so yummy that I on my own, went through it in less than 2 weeks! I found myself just craving for it as it's so cold here at the moment!
When I made it, I only had the light coloured rapadura (came from a different supplier than normal) and then I had run out of rapadura so the second time I made it I had to use coconut palm sugar - it tasted even better! There's no way this lot will last 2 weeks (especially if I share it this time  ;) )
To grind the coconut palm sugar up, I added it in with the nuts etc., and it almost turned to butter - and so I'm not getting as many crunchy leftover bits to eat at the end - but I'm also not choking on it if drinking whilst having a conversation as would happen with the first batch - not sure which way I prefer  :-\

Anyway - either I'm going to have to increase our share in our co-op cow or else I had better try some milk alternatives with it - I'm thinking cashew nut milk? Any suggestions?

All this milo talk - guess where I'm off to next .....  :D

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