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Messages - chris mac

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Chit Chat / Re: Why do TMX recipes use so much butter and oil?
« on: April 01, 2011, 06:09:54 am »
I know we keep debating this on the forum but I just have to add there is significant research to suggest that butter is by far the healthier alternative.  It is a fat, but a good nourishing fat that enables your body to better absorb the nutrients in the food (particularly vegetables) we eat.  I think the problem is the quantity that it is used in recipes (especially in things like pastry) and the fact that the modern lifestyle is very inactive.  Just my thoughts though.  :)
My thoughts too Chelsea! I also like cold pressed oilve oil from a paddock of olive trees just across the road and organic coconut oil. ;) 

Well said Chelsea. I reckon that butter has a far better taste than marg and my motto for oils and such is less is best. A simple test to try to see whether butter or marg is better for us, leave a dollop of each outside and see which one gets eaten first by the  insects. I know that if i drop marg on the floor my dogs sniff it and walk away but will kill each other to get any butter.

Introduce Yourself / mere male
« on: March 21, 2011, 06:38:20 am »
My Thermomix has thrust me into the status of cook extraordinaire at least in the eyes of my family, I wish I had bought one years ago. Mum and Dad, daughter and son in-law, son and girlfriend and other daughter dropped in for lunch yesterday, "Thermo what?" says Mum "Thermomix mum Th er mo mix!" So I cooked up a Mushroom Risotto with a side salad followed by a mango sorbet, not a empty belly was found and the 4 month old baby just lovvved the sorbet :^)

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