« on: May 23, 2012, 11:21:08 pm »
I am a recent new TMX owner, wife, mum to 10 month old son and a part-time senior manager. We live in beautiful Sydney, Australia and frequently travel interstate to see our families. Visits from the grandparents are also happening more often now.
Life has always been pretty busy but these days I have so little time that I'm looking for every time saving idea.
I like to keep the freezer stacked with heat and serve meals. I try to plan ahead well enough to have one grocery order delivered every two weeks (I buy fresh meat and fish locally more often). I would like to stop buying some things in favour of making them, like ice cream to start with (we are addicted to Homer Hudson chocolate rock). I'm looking for smart ways to keep organized with yummy, healthy meals and snacks for my son.
I'm hoping I'll learn lots of this and more from all of you!
So far I have made vegetable stock concentrate, vanilla custard, chicken risotto, orange and almond cake, chocolate cake (most from EDC).