This morning I made chookies pear, lemon and cardamom chutney. This is not normally something I'd do and I'll be honest the title didn't really appeal to me. So why did I make it? Cause I have a TMX, I had the ingredients and i don't know if I'll like something or not unless I try it. Well, the verdict is in....even before the two months rest period I love it!
So this is my question...
I have bottled in old sterilized jars of various shapes and sizes. However, the last load didn't quite fill the jar. There's about a 1 cm gap at the top. The lid will not pop down so I know there's still air inside. It is currently on the stove in a bath boiling in the hope that the vacuum might work. I don't have another small jar so can't decant. I have to leave it for two months before eating it. Will it last or is this last batch wasted?
Thanks in advance.