and the forum have made our day.
We woke and after a quick read on here and several cups of tea using Marie's mug, we each read one of the books which arrived from my SS. Miranda Hart is very funny. DH is enjoying Clare Balding book, we ll swop after.
While I cooked lunch I used
and made vanilla custard with recipe help from JD, and my lovely vanilla pods sent by a still secret person, thank you very much. I used Amy's tea towel and oven glove while cooking. After the Queens's speech we are going for a walk, I will be wearing Amy's boot socks. When I get back will try to set up my kindle, my present from DH.
On the Christmas pudding we had clotted cream sent by anther forum member. I couldn't find the choccy soufflé puts in the freezer so had real Christmas pudding instead. It has funnily enough travelled all around the country with us! LOL.
We really appreciate the warm friendship from on here, and we raised a glass to you all at lunch time.
Cheers to one and all.
DJ xxx