My daughter's 3rd birthday was at the end of last year (morning tea too)-we have to be additive free but it's easier for a party than you'd think (especially with a thermomix) and the other children didn't get hypo either-a welcome surprise for most of the parents
We had fairy bread (basic bread recipe with the natural sprinkles from woolies), pizzas (cut into small pieces-magheritta & bianca), sausage rolls with the EDC puff pastry recipe and a basic mince filling, fruit platter, honey crackles and the birthday cake. Oh, and a bowl of plain kettle chips too. It was enough choice for the children without going overboard and the parents all found enough to munch on too. My children had a ball, all they seemed to do was eat because for once at a party it was all up for grabs (rather than having a snack packed from home-poor little critters!)
We ate first, then parce the parcel, muscial statues and a parachute game, cake, then home again. I've been to too many parties that are squashed full of games and activities and for us, this was the perfect balance. Have fun!!