I received a document explaining the dangers of buying a TMX overseas from Thermomix Aust. Consider the following if you are contemplating buying off ebay or similar. (I have the original doc that I can email you but the file was too large to attach on here.)
Points to be aware of if purchasing machines sourced from overseas: Is the overseas supplier reliable? There is always a risk. Remember that Thermomix in Australia
sales are covered by the Fair Trading Act and we will abide by these regulations.
Customers may still be responsible for GST if properly declared.
Non Australian machines do not come with an Australian plug and lead and modifications
may be required. This should only be done by a qualified electrician.
Non Thermomix in Australia Customers will not be entitled to receive a Delivery Demo from an
Australian Consultant (at no cost) or receive assistance/advice if needed.
Non Thermomix in Australia Customers will not be eligible to receive the Host Incentives for
Delivery Demos such as a free ThermoServer or any additional rewards such as ½ price
Bowl and Blade Set that are offered from time to time on purchases.
Non Thermomix in Australia Customers will not recieve a complimentary Australian Cookbook.
Non Thermomix in Australia Customers may not receive an Instruction Manual in their native
language or at all.
When buying from overseas, customers should be aware they are responsible for the freight
and insurance costs. While Thermomix in Australia ship in large volumes on pallets and in
containers there are few problems with shipping. Shipping individually could result in situations
such as the following (see picture below). The total responsibility and cost for repairs is on the
purchaser if they buy from overseas. Even if insured the customer will need to arrange to have
the Thermomix sent to Thermomix in Australia and the transport costs and repairs will be the
customers responsibility.
Service and Repairs
Thermomix in Australia repair machines in Australia on the following basis: Thermomix in Australia reserves the right not to carry out repairs on machines that have been
purchased directly from overseas or on eBay where they are sourced from overseas.
Warranty Terms & Conditions only apply to purchases made directly from Thermomix in
Australia. Owners may be required to send their machine back to its original point of
purchase for repair.
Priority for all repairs will always be given to customers who have purchased from Thermomix
in Australia.
The Thermomix in Australia warranty is not transferable.