I bought this about 2 weeks ago in the supermarket and agree that it actually tastes really nice. I don't normally buy long life milk and only use it in a dire emergency but I was after some milk powder and found this in the same area at the supermarket. As my DH is a coffee fanatic and loves frothing milk with his coffee machine, I bought some to try particularly as it was on special! I also loved the packaging- I'm a sucker for that kind of thing! I also have since bought a couple more to have as a standby in the pantry. I have to say that my favourite milk at the moment is a2- even though it's darn expensive I absolutely love the taste and I hate the generic supermarket brand milk at the moment- yes it is cheaper and given how much milk we go through in a week, I would save a lot of money buying it, but to me it just tastes so insipid and watery.