Thank you for the kind words. Love this group!
I cooked something this afternoon that confirms my limited ability as a cook. I made Carrot Falafels and everything went well up until the deep frying stage! Well, for one, I decided to blitz my own breadcrumbs (instead of using the recommended one) AND shallow fry the falafels instead of a deep fry. They looked absolutely hideous and I even burnt a couple.
HOWEVER, I am happy to report that they are absolutely delish!!! So moist inside yet crispy on the outside, meaty and yet so... Falafey. The flavours were amazing. DH and I agreed that this was one of the best falafels we've ever tasted. I just need to work on my frying skills next time
DH is almost there... He asked me today if we can make sambal (Indonesian fried chilli paste) in the Thermie! My DH is crazy about sambal and has always told me that no machine could produce good sambal. I hope to surprise and finally win him over for good!
PS: I didn't take a pic of the falafels -- too embarassed of how they looked!