Ok, where do I start?
I decided to give this a go but has a bit apprehensive as it involved making pasta dough. It did take a long time ~3hours because of the the many parts to make the whole thing and also my youngest being very needy today.
I have made pasta dough once before an eggless version (thanks to Uni) but other than that have no other experience. I thought I'd make use of the pasta machine we were given for free. The dough is simple to make but trying to attach the machine to the bench with a clamp was an issue for me and figuring out how to roll it best. This bit confused me and I made it much thicker than needed because the dough was get sticky and beginning to rip. I did make another batch later in day with better results...more on that later.
The filling was easy and involved the Varoma....so this recipe uses all parts of the TMX.
Sauce was easy too....forgot to blend it the first time I made it.
This recipe involves a lot of parts and means that you have to wash the Thermomix several times. If you have a second TMX bowl this would be fine or it might be best to make the different parts throughout the day when it suits rather than make all the recipe in one hit as I did.
The different parts are:
- Making the dough (which also needed 30 mins resting time in fridge)...BTW - does anyone know up to how long you can leave it in there before rolling or is it just a minimum time?
- Making the filling
- Making the sauce
Then you also have to:
-Roll out the past dough
-Make the ravioli
-Cook the ravioli
-Finish it with sauce and eat it
So after all that, I ended up eating 3/4 of a recipe that was meant to be for 4! These ravioli are not like the prepackaged ones you see in shops. They are pretty big and 4 could fill a dinner size plate. The dough I rolled out was pretty thick but I wasn't sure what I was doing. The filling was delicious and reminded me of the filling I had in the dish I ordered from Jamie Oliver's restaurant in Perth. The sauce was good too.
So after that mammoth effort, I still managed to find enough energy to make another batch of pasta dough at night - mainly because I still had quite a lot of filling leftover. I'm glad I did as I realised that I should make the pasta dough like the recipe says but not roll it as explained. You just stick it in and roll it, without the folding in thirds. It can be quite challenging to get the shape right but I can tell this will get easier with experience. I made it thinner this time, size 5 on Atlas machine but even that was too thick I think.
I would make this recipe again (when I have the time) as I want to be able to roll the dough better.
Anyway, enough rambling. Here are some photos (some of the mornings efforts, some the evening):