When I saw how long the pork fillet in this recipe was cooked, I knew I had to change the recipe. 60 minutes for pork fillet is way too much time. I only used 20g butter (not 60g) as I felt that too was excessive. My fennel bulb was only a tiny one compared to some of the huge bulbs I've seen so I used most of it (100g), the eschalots I used weighed 45g, the bacon 65g and my pork fillet was only 300g instead of 400g. I had to use reverse/speed 1 until I removed the pork, only then would the food move on soft speed.
I cut the pork into roughly 4 cm pieces and after 10 minutes cooking, I removed them and kept them warm in my small thermosaver, adding them back in when the complete recipe only had 2 minutes to go. I did reduce the second cooking time from 35 minutes to 25 minutes as the pearl barley was cooked by that time.
The stew thickened up nicely but it didn't really have that wow factor for me. With the leftovers I'll make some pies as there is enough for another meal and at least 4 pies. I think it will make a nice pie filling.