Sounds great Joynatalie. I too admire Jamie and what he has done getting the word out about healthy eating. Interestingly, our canteen in our little school is only open on Friday and we also have sushi from a local Japanese shop delivered once a week. Being in Australia, our canteen recieves no subsidy from the government unlike in Britain and the US and there are healthier food options on it. The fact is most of the food is wayyyyy healthier than most children have in their lunch boxes!! I am constantly amazed at the array of packets and packages--I'm not claiming to be a saint in the lunchtime nutrition stakes, but my own children always had a sandwich, a piece of fruit and a museli bar or cake (sometimes homemade). Most of the children in my class have at least 3 or 4 packets of something, ie chips,muesli bar, biscuits, so-called fruit items such as roll-ups, etc. I find it amazing!