This is a very different sort of dessert.
It is made up almost entirely of eggs, sugar and orange juice.
I could hardly believe it when all the rice flour required to go with 8 large eggs was 2 teaspoonsful.
It was fine getting it INTO the oven and thankfully I managed to keep a good eye on it and didn't burn any corners, but the fun started when I tried to "quickly tip the cake over" - I broke it, but what the heck? I kept rolling it into a ball, sealed it all up in foil and put into the freezer anyway.
Some hours later, I had a peek and cut off a little bit for DH to do a taste test.
It says in the recipe to serve cold from the freezer, but DH didn't like the texture that way. He loved the taste though.
So when I serve it to the guests tomorrow we'll plate it up a bit before wwe serve it, contrary to the instruction in the recipe.
Even though our tastes differ, in your own home I think you're entitled to a bit of interpretation.
Ratings tomorrow night. Let's see how it goes down.