Pop in for coffee if you ride past my place Mandi Good luck with your new regime.
Good luck Mandi, I'll be joining you....I've gotten serious again. I really want to drop this last 10 kilos and get to my goal...I'm 40 kilos down but this last 10 have been defeating me, I've been dropping on and off the wagon. I've just bought a new fitbit flex (I started forgetting to put the old one on...the flex you wear permanently unless you are charging it) and we had to get a new treadmill because my husband was falling off the end of our old one when he was running (a minor problem when you have long legs that I just don't have being horizontally and vertically challenged). I'm not so keen on the new treadmill because I swear it is faster than the old one even though I have it set to the same speed...mind you, at least it is providing a new challenge!