Thanks everyone
And thank you for the laughs too, you all seem like a great bunch!
The thing with the HMP is that there aren't demonstations and the you tube videos don't show much so I can't really see what it's capable of. I've been in contact with the WA distributors but they only distribute.
The TMX I've seen in action heaps and I mostly like it, but I wish it would go to a higher temperature. That's the main think making me hesitant about buying it. Chilling and stopping the stirring function are nice to haves too, but if they brought out a new model with the higher temperature then I'd be buying it in a second. Who knows though, maybe with the competition they'll bring out another model with these features? That would be awesome
I'd be happy to pay more too for the convenience.
Recipes for any of the models I'm not to worry about as I've seen how easily my SIL and mates have been able to adjust to their machines, and even have made up a few things of their own. These mixing machines really facilitate creativity in the kitchen, don't they?