Author Topic: What made you buy your Thermomix?  (Read 67529 times)

Offline marmee

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What made you buy your Thermomix?
« on: June 03, 2009, 10:24:04 am »
I am new to this site and THIS close (imagine me with my fingers parted ever so narrowly) to buying a Thermomix, so I thought I'd ask you all what was it that lead you to purchase your Thermomix?  And now that you have it, what is the one reason you will never part with it?
Marmee, intrigued by the TM and living in NSW Australia

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Re: What made you buy your Thermomix?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2009, 11:04:26 am »
My wife bought mine for my birthday - think she regrets it now  ;D ;D ;D ;D as it seems to consume me.  I had lusted after one for a few years, but no real reason to purchase one.  For those having to cook for people with allergies/sensitivities then I think they really will make a big difference.

I can't imagine life without my Bimby.  It is so versatile and makes cooking fun, fast and easy.  The variety of tasks that it performs from chopping, cooking, steaming means that it sits on the bench and gets used regularly unlike other "toys" that I have bought.

This is not a paid advertisement on behalf of Vorwerk.  ;)
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Offline judydawn

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Re: What made you buy your Thermomix?
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2009, 11:19:32 am »
I had never even heard of the TMX until DD went to a demo and decided to have one herself so that some of her friends and their DH's could attend.  She told me I would love it and as DD's know best (or is that Mother knows best ???) I thought, why not.  I was, however, quite let down and scared of it at first as everything I did basically was disappointing - not the custards and easy things like that but I really wanted to use it for main meals.  However, discovering this forum and trying recipes from here which actually worked was the one thing that has really bonded me with my TMX and it just sits on the cupboard begging me to use him every day.  I have less washing up, rarely clean the cooktop and backsplash and have never been happier in my kitchen.  No man nor his army would get it off me now and I hate to think how I would go back to the old way of cooking if it broke down and had to go away to be fixed.  I find the meals healthier and the one fried meal I had recently, I hated. We rarely eat out these days and at 62, when a lot of women are sick to death of cooking, I love it.  I have told DD No. 1 she can have it when I depart this earth as DD2 already has one.  If you possibly can get your DH to a demo, do so as they seem to love it and in most homes they make the final decision on a big item like this.  I'm lucky, if I want something I know DH would never say no.
Judy from North Haven, South Australia

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Offline brazen20au

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Re: What made you buy your Thermomix?
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2009, 11:48:33 am »
i had heard friends raving about them and lusting after them for a good 18 months before i hosted a demo to see what all the fuss was about. when dh and i saw it in action we were blown away and HAD to have it! now i don't think i could survive if something happened to it :(
Karen in Canberra :)
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Re: What made you buy your Thermomix?
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2009, 12:34:17 pm »
Marmee, mine is a passion, I love my THX! My husband is jealous as I now seem to spend more time in the kitchen than with him, and love it.
In Spain, it has been around for years, but I originally believed it was for people who didn't know how to cook, or couldn't be bothered or had nothing better to do with their money, I couldn't have thought more wrongly! A friend hosted a demonstration, and I was invited, and it was love at first sight, so much so, that i was dreaming about owning one! So eventually, after much persuading, DH bought me one for xmas. He threatened me then better use it! And now he begs me not to!!!! ;D ;D ;D
My children are delighted, they love it sooo much too, and everything it makes. The desserts, the cakes, drinks, ice-cream, everything. Its healthier, as now we don't eat so much crappy foods, we knock up our own bread, pizzas, sauces, drinks, biscuits etc so at least we know exactly whats in our diet!
And to top it all, my weekly shopping bill has reduced by half, which has really kept DH from flogging it off on ebay!!
I use it daily and I honestly couldn't live without it! In fact we are going away in August to a friends villa in Portugal, and I will certainly be sneaking "CLATTER" in the boot of my car! Would rather leave my clothes behind, than him! But just the week of cooking meals for the family without him, would be desperate! NO WAY, my THX is coming with!
Marmee, it is an appliance to be used, left out on the counter, its healthier, easier and fun, plus after 6 months with all your food savings it's paid for itself!
Just think no more packet stuff, everything home made, and delicious..... Vorwerk has been around for over 30 years, and my only regret did I NOT buy this before! Two weeks ago, I even bought my 2nd jug, which is always in motion too! Good job I have a tiny kitchen, otherwise i would probably have 2!
I DO NOT work for Vorwerk either! But if I had time, I would definitely take up working for them! Best invention in history! Thats my opinion anyway! ;) ;) ;)


Offline marmee

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Re: What made you buy your Thermomix?
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2009, 12:39:12 pm »
It is so lovely to read your replies   :-*

We have a highly allergic daughter in our house, so I am really hoping that it will make life easier and yummier   :)
Marmee, intrigued by the TM and living in NSW Australia

Offline brazen20au

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Re: What made you buy your Thermomix?
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2009, 12:43:20 pm »
Marmee, my 2yo was diagnosed with coeliac disease in december last year and i honestly don't know what i would have done without the tmx. i know our budget would be a lot worse off with having to buy everything...
Karen in Canberra :)
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Offline trudy o

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Re: What made you buy your Thermomix?
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2009, 12:50:19 pm »
I bought mine due to  my daughter having multiple allergies (to pretty much everything -rare condition) but now that i have it even without that aspect I LOVE LOVE LOVE it and it saves me soooooo  much time with pretty much everything

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Re: What made you buy your Thermomix?
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2009, 01:00:30 am »
i had heard friends raving about them and lusting after them for a good 18 months before i hosted a demo to see what all the fuss was about. when dh and i saw it in action we were blown away and HAD to have it! now i don't think i could survive if something happened to it :(

Karen, you could add that your child was diagnosed a coeliac after you purchased the machine .... but how it has helped since - check Karen's blog at
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Re: What made you buy your Thermomix?
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2009, 01:02:51 am »
..... Vorwerk has been around for over 30 years, and my only regret did I NOT buy this before! Two weeks ago, I even bought my 2nd jug, which is always in motion too! Good job I have a tiny kitchen, otherwise i would probably have 2!
I DO NOT work for Vorwerk either! But if I had time, I would definitely take up working for them! Best invention in history! Thats my opinion anyway! ;) ;) ;)

Here, here - I saw the TMX 6 years ago, but it was my wife (who doesn't use it) that purchased it.
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Offline UnConundrum

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Re: What made you buy your Thermomix?
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2009, 03:28:04 am »
In all honesty, my wife :)

I don't drink... ok to excess.  Maybe a beer a week.  I don't smoke.  I work all the time, except that cooking is my hobby.  I was "aware" of them and then saw one on a visit to Montreal.  When my wife saw a kitchen toy that I didn't have, she insisted we buy one.  Did I mention that I have a great wife (except for her rules on rice pudding and tapioca pudding)?

It is one of the few tools in my kitchen that she will use, and actually enjoys using.  If I told her to go to the stove and make a cream sauce, she'd just stare at me.  However, last week, I told her to make a cream sauce in the TM when I was late getting home, and she made a great one :)

Offline brazen20au

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Re: What made you buy your Thermomix?
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2009, 04:12:59 am »
Did I mention that I have a great wife (except for her rules on rice pudding and tapioca pudding)?
Karen in Canberra :)
Mum to 3 including one with Coeliac Disease and 2 with autism, aiming for a paleo / AIP diet
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Offline cookie1

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Re: What made you buy your Thermomix?
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2009, 05:48:26 am »
I had seen them on another cooking site and read all the discussion about them, which was fairly negative. At the price I never really looked into owning one.
Then last year when we were travelling we had camped at Tailem Bend in South Aust and one of the ladies there had one. She made us a curry and then rice pudding. My DH was absolutely sold on the idea and as we continued on our merry way to CAnberra he persuaded me that I needed one. Then he could buy an old 1928 Model A Ford and do it up!! In Bega NSW he eventually convinced me. When we returned home we had a demonstration and bought one.
I even took it away with me a few weeks ago. I am absolutely lost without it. DD who was home without the TMX discovered how hard it was cooking without it.

.............he has just got his old car. It looks kind of like a heap of rusty bits and pieces, but lovely all the same.
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Offline judydawn

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Re: What made you buy your Thermomix?
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2009, 07:14:15 am »
What a crafty DH you have Cookie1 - you have the TMX and I'll have the old car to do up.  You are the winner though, yours is fun, his project has a lot of hard work ahead of him ;D ;D ;D  You will just have to keep baking those cookies to take out to him whilst he is working on his project.  Happy days to you both ;) ;)
Judy from North Haven, South Australia

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Offline Dean

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Re: What made you buy your Thermomix?
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2009, 10:55:28 am »
Hi Everyone,
When Cyndi O'Meara said that you could make vegetable stock paste without any effort, I fell in love immediately!  It used to take me hours to make stock and now I can make it in 20 minutes so easily.
I use the stock paste instead of the yucky shop bought stuff in just about every meal now.