My kids lived on a very limited repertoire of dishes that varied depending of food fads.
The favourites that all loved - and still do, are
spag bog (I cook mine for a minimum of 3 hours and they can spot a quicker cooked one!)
spanakopitas (or any kind of spinach, cheese, pastry combination)
zucchini slice - the old Womens Weekly recipe with lots of eggs, cheese etc. I always grated up and hid other veggies in it, too.
Roast lamb with gravy
chicken schnitzel
soups - any kind of veggie soup, so long as it was pureed
fried rice - again, it can hide a lot of veggies!
chicken nuggets - I feel deeply ashamed that I ever fed these to them!
I always found that the addition of cheese made just about anything more palatable to them!