Author Topic: Hi There! And Questions about purchasing! Help Please :D  (Read 22045 times)

Offline Mom2three

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Hi There! And Questions about purchasing! Help Please :D
« on: July 12, 2009, 01:42:25 pm »
Hi Everyone,

I am 24, a mum to three living in Aus!

I haven't purchased just yet :D But am very very interested ! I was upset at first as to why nobody told me something like this existed!

I have emailed Thermomix Australia, but thought I would add some more questions here.

How do I purchase if I am not located near a consultant (which I very much doubt, being rural  :-)) I am never close to anything ROFL)

I heard about the payment plan over 4 years...Is there a down deposit? And any extra fees/interest for paying it off early? And what does the payment work out to be monthly?

Are the accessories (i.e. extra jug/mixer, thermosever & cleaning brush) readily/easily available to purchased? Is there any deals for getting to Thermomixers? And what are the prices of all of these (like Kirby (which I love & own) it is very hard to find out prices from the website.  :-))

Whats about parts? Does it have to be sent back to Germany or hte Aus Head Office for bearing replacments? Or are hte bearing easy to get & replace?

What about convincing hubby? (a total meatlover) that this is a worthwhile investment?

Thanks, can't wait to hear yoru replies, I am super excited!


Offline baf65

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Re: Hi There! And Questions about purchasing! Help Please :D
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2009, 02:10:40 pm »
There is a payment plan....its taken out through a finance company, you can take it out for as long as you like up to I think 2years, but you do pay interest - I think its around $200 for the maximum loan period, plus there is an applicatoin fee as well.  The monthly amount varies depending on how long you take it out for, minimum weekly payment used to be around $14 , there is no penalty for paying off early if you want to.   I think the best way to pay off is do it on credit card over 3 months, if you can stretch to that
There is always a way of having a demo , there are a fair few country demonstrators these days, I guess it just depends on where you live
you dont get a discount for purchasing more than one....$1939 is the price
You only need extra bowl if you want one, many people dont
You get everything you need with your Thermomix, should anything in a the remotest of chances go wrong or break you can replace almost every part easily
There are repairers in Australia should it break down and require specialist work!

Just ignore your husband and get one anyway thats the best way!!! LOL

Offline Thermomixer

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Re: Hi There! And Questions about purchasing! Help Please :D
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2009, 01:31:35 am »

I heard about the payment plan over 4 years...Is there a down deposit? And any extra fees/interest for paying it off early? And what does the payment work out to be monthly?

Are the accessories (i.e. extra jug/mixer, thermosever & cleaning brush) readily/easily available to purchased? Is there any deals for getting to Thermomixers? And what are the prices of all of these (like Kirby (which I love & own) it is very hard to find out prices from the website.  :-))

Maybe demonstrators should suggest to HQ that it would be a good idea to have a page with accessories available and prices.  They do themselves no service not advertising what is available in parts and accessories.
Thermomixer in Australia - my blog - our joint blog in Oz - please feel free to join us.

Offline baf65

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Re: Hi There! And Questions about purchasing! Help Please :D
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2009, 03:23:09 am »
There is actually a list of all spare parts and cookery books that are available for separate purchase that I think you would be able to get off your consultant as it is listed in the consultnats part of the Thermomix website. It is a PDF.  I wouldnt like to post it on here but if anyone wanted one just for their reference I can email it to you.  But for ordering I think you would need to go to your consultant or call head office

Offline marmee

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Re: Hi There! And Questions about purchasing! Help Please :D
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2009, 10:11:41 am »
Hello and welcome!

I will try to answer a few of your questions...

Definitely agree with the credit card over 3 months plan.  I think the other plan is 2 years, not 4...but could be wrong.

Parts are soooo super easy to buy and they are bought from Australia.  I stuffed the butterfly attachment after having my TMX for only 2 weeks - rang and ordered a new one and it was here within 5 days!  Super. 

When the part arrived, there was a sheet in there with the prices for all spare parts.  They are reasonable enough, given the price of the entire kit and kaboodle.  The butterfly attachment was $25. 

And I have heard that you definitely don;t need to send the machine to Germany to be fixed - it all happens right herre in Australia.

As for convincing hubby - meat is cooked in the TMX.  No hassles.  The best way to convince him is to have a demo - but you say you are far away from anyone?  Show him these forums? 

Good luck!
Marmee, intrigued by the TM and living in NSW Australia

Offline cookie1

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Re: Hi There! And Questions about purchasing! Help Please :D
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2009, 10:30:55 am »
Welcome. You will find from reading through a lot of the posts on this forum that husbands are often very interested in the Thermomix. Not sure why, other than it is a great machine. If you get the opportunity to have a demo go for it and I'm sure he will be convinced.
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Offline JaneeZee

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Re: Hi There! And Questions about purchasing! Help Please :D
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2009, 04:10:30 pm »
Hi Mom2T,

The credit plan can be as short as you like and as long as 4 years.  The longer you take, the more interest you pay.  Don't know your financial situation but you have to go through a vetting process.  $15 per week will get you ownership of your machine in 4 years.  It's a good idea to additionally put all the savings you make by using a Thermomix onto the payment of it so that you own it sooner.  Another suggestion is, scout around for a 6 month interest free credit card & aim to pay it off in that time.  That would be $75 per week but you would own it at the end of 6 months & not pay any additional interest or set up fees.......(provided you cut the thing up once you have purchased the Thermomix!!!!!)  ;) ;)

Now, where's the disclaimer about getting independent financial advice???  :-[ :o :o

I guarantee your hubbie will love it.  Mine thinks he won the lottery because I actually cook these days!!! If there is noone prepared to bring a machine out to give you a demo (highly unlikely!!) there are quite a few videos on you tube - or you could get someone to do a skype demo - but nothing compares to seeing it and tasting the food!!!  I am sure you will work it out!

Best of luck.  As you will tell from here, there are lots of us convinced that buying one was the best thing we could have done.

Offline Nay-nay

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Re: Hi There! And Questions about purchasing! Help Please :D
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2009, 12:58:00 am »
Hi there mom2t,
I was in the exact same dilema as you about a month ago - rural, no close consultant, meat loving hubby not 100% sold on TMX.
After getting hubby to take me to the coast, to cooking class (weekend away ;)) He had to admit he liked the machine too and I looked into being a consultant to be able to afford it. Being the only consultant out my way I have huge business prospects.

Offline scatman

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Re: Hi There! And Questions about purchasing! Help Please :D
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2009, 04:11:06 pm »
Gidday Mom2T,

I went along to a demo not even knowing what I was going to see - only that it was a device to make cooking eaiser, cheaper and healthier.  It was the healthy bit that attracted me most.  I hate all the stupid additives and chemicals that food manufactures throw in our food. i wanted to have more control of what I eat and what my family (4kids) eat.

My wife wasn't with me and it was difficult to try and descibe the thermomix to her without her having seen the demonstration and tasted the food.  Alot of us carry around preconceived ideas about all sorts of things.   I ummed and arred  ??? for a couple of months and tried to justify the cost.  I purchased my "Bimby" 5-6 weeks ago with the help of Rudd's recession handout, plus a bit of saving.  In the end I took the cost of not living with this machine in my kitchen and it outweighed the $$$ issue.  I could not stop thinking about the TM after I first saw it.   It has lived up to all my expectations so far.  We use it every day for one thing or another.   My consultant (I-L-B) has been most helpful and has always been available to answer any questions I have. 

My darling wife has now been to a demo and has been converted! ;D  I'm not sure who uses it the most now, but it is a bit strange how we get all emotional about a funny little machine.  My DW cooked a yummy, butter chicken for tea tonight and kids went back for 2nd's - except for the brocchili :-))

Take hubby along to a demo' or get him to read some of the blogs on this here cool forum by some of us blokes,  he will come around as soon as he tastes the food.

Peace 8)

Offline JaneeZee

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Re: Hi There! And Questions about purchasing! Help Please :D
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2009, 04:15:12 pm »
Maybe we need a "secret blokes business" thread just to direct them to - hubbies that is!!

Offline scatman

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Re: Hi There! And Questions about purchasing! Help Please :D
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2009, 04:23:10 pm »
Maybe a "Convince the Hubby" thread??   

Offline Mom2three

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Re: Hi There! And Questions about purchasing! Help Please :D
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2009, 02:48:51 am »
I love the Hubby/Mens Thread!

I belong to a cloth nappy forum, and I always think there should be a mens thread on their, for all the men to moan & commiserate lol!

I am convinced by it and can see the difference it will make! I never actually saw the masterchef show (we live in a tv "black spot" so we have pay tv instead  ;) But I saw it online and it was only on the screen for a few seconds, one of my friends apparently knew someone who was in the audience and said they cut a whole lot of stuff out about the Thermomix so "it wouldn't seem like a commercial" LOL, but the unanswered questions have obviously still gotten people revved up about it! I didn't even know a thing like this existed (not even a kitchen aid lol) until a few days ago, and was just totally swept off my feet by it.

I can't always be there constantly stirring things, and hubby, bless him, tends to "forget" about things when he cooks (he is a very good cook when he concentrates :P)

I love being able to do playdough & fingerpaint in it too. And dough, as with the sorts of things, although fun for the kids to make by hand, when you have littlies of all different ages, it tends to create major problems, and they will love pressing buttons on the Thermomix! :D

I am lucky with my kids, as they are happy to eat raw broccoli, they love it, but have noticed how much we tend to have additive laced food, and I don't bake dough based products much because of the mess & the time factor (plus my pizza bases have never turned out quite right :P)

Will just have to sit tight and be patient and await my email ::D

I can't wait to b cooking with the Thermomix! I have seen heaps of video footage on Youtube and elsewhere, and it looks fantastic!

Offline CreamPuff63

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Re: Hi There! And Questions about purchasing! Help Please :D
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2009, 04:17:40 pm »
When my kids were small I had a small manual "Miele" siever thingo that mum bought me, and what ever meals I prepared, I would just mush up for the babies and rug rats. I never relied upon manufactured baby food. Our kids are in their late teens and are really healthy, and have never been  fussy eaters or prone to sickness, and/or allergies (cross fingers and toes). I do think that as a result of them eating food that we had prepared and eat on an ongoing basis has helped somewhat for them to be healthy rather than eating commercially prepared food. (Even our dog prefers the home made food to the can maybe because I perhaps go wilder with the Yum Yum noises than when I scrape the can!!) I have always enjoyed home cooked food, because you cannot buy the "love" found in home cooking, and I think this is definitely an ingredient that is hard to find on any supermarket shelf. In hindsight, I wished I had a TM from the year dot. (Another really good thing is a Pressure Cooker (don't be scared, they are brilliant) - and these two kitchen appliances will bring fast, nutritous food onto your dining table). I have found that my pantry appears to be comfortably barer/neater because my ingredients are milled, or prepared more from a basic level and without any more effort that I am aware of. I dunno, but I get a lot of enjoyment at looking at an ingredient after I have whizzed it into another "format" after a few seconds!
Non Consultant from Perth, Western Australia

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Offline judydawn

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Re: Hi There! And Questions about purchasing! Help Please :D
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2009, 02:23:22 am »
You are definately having a love affair with your TMX CP63  ;) ;) ;)
Judy from North Haven, South Australia

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Offline scatman

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Re: Hi There! And Questions about purchasing! Help Please :D
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2009, 12:40:45 pm »
I have always enjoyed home cooked food, because you cannot buy the "love" found in home cooking, and I think this is definitely an ingredient that is hard to find on any supermarket shelf. In hindsight, I wished I had a TM from the year dot.

I totally agree with you CP63  :)  My kids much prefer homecooked to takethrow away. :o :o :o