Had some buttermilk which required using so dug out a recipe I have had for ages - from Super Food Ideas
(I had cut the recipe out so the date is not on the page!).
Super Easy Chocolate Cake 170g plain flour - can use SR flour but omit bicarb
1 teasp bicarb soda
1/3 cup cocoa
180g castor sugar
250ml buttermilk
2 eggs
125g butter - melted and cooled
1 teasp vanilla essence
Set oven 180
oC. Grease a deep round cake tin, lining base with paper. The tin I used was 20 cm x 6 cm.
If needed, pulverise sugar
15 -20 secs - speed 9. Set aside.
Add butter to TMX - melt
60 degs - 3 - 4 mins. -
(butter is supposed to cool according to the original recipe but who has that time!!!)Add all other ingredients to bowl, whiz unitl
thick and creamy -
2 min- speed 7.
Bake 35 - 40 mins or until cooked when skewer tested..
Ice when completely cool.
This was iced with butter icing - 100g softened butter, 300g icing sugar, I tabsp cocoa + 2 tabsp milk - whiz 3
mins - speed 6.
members' commentsHally - Its really, really delish. I used SR flour and I doubled the recipe.
Amanda - I made this cake, but had a little tweak here and there.
Used SR flour (couldn't find the baking soda, I think it ran off with the coconut)
Was a little surprised at the large amount of sugar, so cut it down to 150 gm
My eggs were large - weighed 100gm together, so cut down on the buttermilk too and only used 150gm.
Also reduced mixing speed and time to 30 seconds at speed 7.
Cake is wonderful - rich and moist and rose very well!
Sparkle - I made this awesome sounding cake, but don't know what went wrong. After being out of oven for a few minutes it completely deflated. Any ideas why???
Food For Thought - There are probably a couple of possibilities as to why.
1. Cakes hate to be over beaten. Given the speed of the TM I would suggest that 3 mins on Sp 8 is quite a long time. I think I'd halve that.
2. I would use SR flour, as the plain flour, butter milk and sugar are all heavy ingredients and 1 tsp of baking powder is possibly not enough.
3. The oven temperature wasn't on the right temp or there was a fluctuation of some kind.
I tend to think the last one is a bit of an excuse
Not sure if that helps but hope it does.
Sparkle - Thanks for getting back to me. I tend to think maybe the first one. I only mixed it for one minute on speed 7 but it had lots of air bubbles which I forgot to tap out before placing in the oven. I also think I might have undercooked it 😏. I'll give it another go using your suggestion of SR flour.
Thanks again.