Meganjane I've been feeding barf for years - and it really suits my westie who are very prone to the itchies and problem skin. They are really healthy and even the 11 year old jumps around like a puppy! (Although he is snoring on the lounge at the moment.
I recently posted a recipe for home made barf dog food based on Dr Billinghurst's recipe in the Receipe Request thread but will repeat it here. My guys absolutely love this and they are thriving on it. Although I don't feed this recipe exclusively - they also get RMBs, 'fish casserole' (frozen mixed veggies and canned fish) when I've forgotten to get something out of the freezer, and commercial barf patties although I think they are pretty expensive for big dog appetites.
Personally, I don't feed commercial dog food (dry. canned or anything else) as I think the ingredients are terrible - I'm even concerned about the contents of some of the premium foods. So if we are concerned enough about our health to buy a TMX then I for one want to make sure my dogs benefit too. Anyway hope it helps...
This is a TMX variation on Dr Billinghurst's raw barf patty recipe and works very well with the TMX. It is based on a half kilo of raw crushed vegetables and a half kilo of raw minced meat. All ingredients should be human grade. This amount makes about 12 half cup servings for a small dog. Its a marvellous mix for dogs needing to lose weight!
Ingredients:1/2 kg vegetables (carrots, celery, spinach, cauli, broccoli etc), roughly chopped
1/2kg lean meat or mince (beef, chicken, lamb, pork, kangaroo etc). ('Roo and pork are good for dogs with allergies).
1/8 lambs fry (or similar amount of other offal), roughly chopped
1/4 small tub plain, low fat yogurt
1-2 free range eggs (I use 2)
2 cloves garlic
1.5 dspns flax seed oil
1/2 tspn of vitamin B powder
Up to 2 tspns kelp powder (I use 2)
Any other healthy food scraps eg small amounts of cooked veggies, rice, pasta cottage cheese etc.
Method:If mincing your own meat, mince it first for 8-15 seconds on speed 7 and set aside.
Chop veggies, garlic and offal in TMX for 6-8 seconds on speed 4 or until it looks like fine coleslaw. Veggie mix should be well chopped, fine enough to make into patties, but not mush.
Add mince and all other ingredients and mix on reverse + soft speed for 8 - 10 seconds until well combined.
Shape into patties and freeze or freeze in serving size portions in plastic bags. Thaw as required.