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Messages - Daisygirl

Pages: [1]
Chit Chat / Re: What are you been cooking today
« on: September 12, 2009, 05:38:33 am »
Had the demo last night and so this morning I tackled Orange and Carrot juice (yes, started off with little baby steps). 

Then I made porridge and was brave enough to add banana and strawberry in the final few minutes and change the process from Stir to setting 1 on 37° so that it would cut up the fruit (well, to me that seemed brave... LOL)

Tomorrow I'm going to progress to Hummus and Beetroot salad and might even make a soup. 


Introduce Yourself / Re: New Raw Thermomixer
« on: September 12, 2009, 05:28:35 am »
The day finally came for my Thermie to be delivered and to have my home demo by my consultant Paula.

7.15pm my friends came over ready for the demo.  I reminded them three times not to eat beforehand and they all obediently followed my instructions.   :D

7.35pm... Paula is just getting a few items organised and about to welcome everyone and start the demo... and the power goes out!!!  LOL

We had terribly strong winds last night and had a power failure (as a lot of other Melbournians experienced).  We got a massive high powered torch going and Paula bravely did all the talking part of the demo as we sat there in a cold house and absolutely starving (I had nothing in the cupboard because I wanted to wait till Thermy arrived before planning my shopping list).

So at about 9.00pm or thereabouts, the power suddenly came back on and the demo started in a frenzy... LOL I said to Paula, please cook everything fast in case the power goes off again but we managed to have no more blackouts.

So by 11.00 pm, with full tummies and my friends loving what Thermie can produce, we let Paula go home and I ate all the Orange and Chocolate Custard leftovers and toddled off to bed leaving a huge mess in the kitchen.  Paula won't forget this demo in a hurry.


Introduce Yourself / Re: New Raw Thermomixer
« on: September 10, 2009, 01:16:14 pm »
Oh no, do I need a dehydrator now? LOL!  I think I would like one as I have recently tasted tomatoes dehydrated and they were so powerful to the palate. Please keep us informed Daisygirl.   Gretchen

YES, YOU DO, GRETCHEN   Even if it's only to keep me company.  :D

You will love making granola for your breakfasts, dried fruit for snacks, beef jerky, flaxseed crackers, raw biscuits and pie bases (extremely healthy for you) and you can dry all your own herbs.  Because the temperature of the dehydrator is set at a level where enzymes are not killed off, the food you dehydrate is still loaded with a lot of nutrition and it keeps in a glass jar for months.  Good for taking away on hiking trips and holidays as it doesn't take up much room.  You can also make pot pourri, dry out roses and flowers etc.  The Excalibur is the best - but make sure you get the model with the timer on it.

(One more sleep till my TM arrives)

Edit:  Wanted to also mention that my motivation for buying a Thermomix is because of the wonderful 'raw' things that I can quickly process in it (vegetables, grains, beans, sprouts) and then dehydrate to make pie bases, crackers, flat breads and wraps which are packed with nutrition.

Tips and Tricks / Re: Inserting Degrees in your posts
« on: September 10, 2009, 12:47:53 pm »
This obviously only works if you have a keyboard with numbers in a block on the RH side.  My laptop doesn't so no go for me unfortunately. 

Being the computer geek that I am, I had to fire up my laptop to see how it can be done.   :-))

First make sure NumLock is on.  For me, I hold down the key that says FN and then press NumLock (release the FN key) and now that is turned on.

Then have a look at the J, K, L, U, I, O etc letters and you will see they have little numbers at the bottom edge of each key.  That's your numeric keypad equivalent.  So now you can hold down the ALT key and press 171 (release the ALT key) to get ½ etc.  FN and Numlock will turn NumLock off and put your J, K, L etc keys back to alpha characters.


Tips and Tricks / Re: Inserting Degrees in your posts
« on: September 09, 2009, 04:28:45 pm »
Another easy way is to hold down the ALT key (use your left hand) and don't let go of it.

Then on the keypad area on the right side of your keyboard, press 171 and then release the ALT key.  That will give you ½

To do ¼ you press ALT 172 and to do a ° you press ALT 248

You need to already have the NUM LOCK key turned on (usually a light appears above it to let you know it is activated)

Otherwise you can do the SUP thing...  ;D


Introduce Yourself / Re: New Raw Thermomixer
« on: September 09, 2009, 03:23:36 pm »
Have purcahsed a new dehydrator after the Melb talk to replace my very old model.   

How wonderful you are getting one.  I ordered a 9 drawer Excalibur dehydrator and it should arrive this Friday - on the same day as my Thermomix (fingers crossed).  I can't wait to make flaxseed biscuits in the thermomix and then put them into the dehydrator. 

I was actually going to also ask for a Dehydrator section to be created but thought that asking for three new links in my first ever message was a bit cheeky...   :D


Introduce Yourself / New Raw Thermomixer
« on: September 09, 2009, 02:05:39 pm »
I've got two more sleeps before my thermomix arrives on Friday.  Been talking to everyone about it who will stand still long enough to listen to me.  It's only 9th September and 70% of my bandwidth has been used up watching YouTube demonstrations on the thermomix machine.   :D

I'm basically going to be making raw food in my thermomix as that is predominantly my "new" eating habit and would love to see a category added to this forum for Vegan/Raw Food.  Also a category for Salads and Dressings would be WONDERFUL as I'd be hanging out there every day!!!

I bought the Rawlicious recipe book at the demo night and will need to learn how to convert all my raw food uncookbooks into Thermomix language.  Will be fun to experiment.

Hope to see more raw vegans sharing their recipes on this forum...


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