DG - do what YOU
want to do - not what everyone else wants you to do and certainly not what you think you should do to keep everyone happy...if that makes sense!
I certainly bucked the system when we went away last year with reli's rather disgusted that I had left the country when it was such a big think I had to celebrate
. They were also disgusted that I had left our girls with my Mum
And they were so put out that I didn't have the big shindig they were all "expecting" (free food and booze) that they then didn't even send a birthday card let alone a pressie! They still give not so sly digs now when I see them
It was very funny!
You are the person who has to be happy with the whole thing.
Life is way too short to try and keep the blinking reli's happy.
Rant on reli's over
Bubbles - so sorry for hi-jacking your thread. My apologies.