Had a great day today, went to the hospital to visit my sister first and for Jackson to meet his new sister for the first time. He was a bit unsure of this little squirming crying creature lol. He had a very quick nurse but didn't like it when Ruby decided to have a little cry
I then went around to see Jo who was looking pretty good today, she was very impressed with the bag I took in for her with her bits and pieces and said I did a spot on job
, she had sore lips and even found her blistex packed amongst everything.
I'm so glad she is feeling better and looking better.
So over all a great day. Even managed to get my groceries done today. Jackson fell asleep in the car on the way home and I got all the groceries unpacked from the car and packed away inside before he woke up.
Luke has gone to stay with his grandmother now so I have 1 less mouth to feed, although he wasn't impressed as he wanted to stay here too. But I have told him he can stay tomorrow night if he likes.
Feeling much less stressed today