Poor you Amy you need to catch that mouse. Do you have a cat?
Amy, do you cover Clinker at night? Was the mouse after his seed?
Oh Amy - you are not havign a good run with things are you? I hope you catch the mouse. They opened Aldi at my local shopping centre today - we went in and did a bit of shopping. It was so busy! I don't know if our carpark is going to cope with all the new traffic. If it was as chaotic as it was at lunhtime I can only IMAGINE what it's going to be like from 3pm - 7pm when kids get out of school and everyone is heading home from work. Kim - You are making me sad! I received an invite from my cousin for her wedding in Brittany today. I am not far enough in with TMX that I am making money and having not worked since Jan it's a no go for us. I was so looking forward to it when she first told me because I have never been overseas and I thought France would be the ultimate destination. One day.