When you go to a place like that Gretchen, it certainly does make you wonder why people are such hoarders. What amazes me is that when these people who don't have room to put a cup of coffee on the kitchen table for visitors go into other homes which are tidy and uncluttered, why are they not inspired to go home and do the same to their place. It sounds as if you have had a great tidy up, is DH still there and not pack in the sallies box too I have a toast rack that was given to my grand-parents from the army as a wedding present. There must be plenty just like this around but I have never seen another one in any antique shop I've ever been in - maybe everyone is holding onto theirs. I used to use it but DH was horrified as he knows me well and thought it should be kept in the cupboard to just look at if I want to pass it down Must say I don't really need to use one as breakfast in this house is a very casual, quick meal and I am the only one who has toast for breakfast. Maybe I can bring it out when CC comes to stay.
Gert the Men's Shed might LOVE your distillery stuff, but they probably then wouldn't be able to use the machinery.