i forgot to try this yesterday (it takes 36 hour) . from farfallinas site http://thermomixtarifdefterim.blogspot.com.au/search?q=cheese+cake+I have difficulty to find sour cream around here. I tried several recipes and methods on how to make sour cream at home. The one that satisfied me the most so far is as below:Put in a jar 250g fresh cream and 100g yogurt, mix well. (I use whole cream and whole yogurt) Close the lid, wrap with a blanket, let it rest for 36 hours. Later store your sour cream in the fridge.
To make real sour cream, you need pure cream and a culture. From what I remember, this can be bought sour cream or yoghurt. You mix them together and leave at room temperature until desired sourness is reached. Reserve some to use as base for next lot. There was a discussion on this topic on the Forum, a couple of years ago.Hally, you can sour thickened cream, but it doesn't develop the same flavour.