Needless to say I have been simply perfect, popped the parcels back into the express post satchel and put it to one side, out of temptation's way
It's around about now that the presents have begun to arrive that we will start to find out who of us has the most self control and who is impulsive and cannot stop themselves from opening their gifts. Who will be the first to give way (apart from DJ because she didn't realise her book was her SS gift). There has already been lots of pushing, prodding, squeezing and shaking going on - I wonder who has found that a corner of the gift has 'accidentally' ripped so they couldn't resist a peek inside to see what was hidden behind the wrapping? I'm really loving everyone's anticipation - it is great fun.Needless to say I have been simply perfect, popped the parcels back into the express post satchel and put it to one side, out of temptation's way
Kimmy, perhaps you should be the founding member of SS Anonymous - the "resist your SS gift" support group