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Hi to you all. Introducing myself
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Topic: Hi to you all. Introducing myself (Read 7600 times)
Posts: 5
Hi to you all. Introducing myself
January 23, 2013, 11:33:09 am »
I have been asked to tell you about myself but not sure if this is how or where to do it! I struggle with computers so please bear with me!
My name is Maggie but I use Strawplash for my user name as that was what my eldest son used to call his imaginary "friend" when he was little!!
2 of my nephews in W.Australia have Thermomixes and I went to a demo the year before last and was blown away by what it could do and how quickly...but knew my husband would never let me have one because of the expense.
As I am hoping to retire in the next couple of months I am thinking about maybe becoming a demonstrator...Maybe!
I worked with a lady whose friend was a demonstrator so I phoned her and would you believe it..managed to drag my very reluctant husband along to the next class too! I can't say he was impressed but one customer did chat to him extolling its virtues!! Thanks to her for that!
I then took the bull by the horns while he was away for a few days and bought one just before Christmas.
I absolutely love it and have called him "Gordon" but I must admit now I think Nigella would be better as it/he has only had one disaster...and that was trying to make pasta dough.
My whole life has been a dietary yo-yo. I just love to cook, am a recipe book addict but I am only as good as the recipe...I am no good without one. My husband cannot believe I ever need a new recipe book....ha! ha!
I am married with 2 grown up children...2 boys. One was married but sadly they split up last year. They had 2 beautiful children...a girl and a boy whom I just adore. They live north of Brisbane and he has the kids alternate weeks, Between my husband and I, we go up and do the school run or cover holidays in those weeks.
My other son is single, has a great life, runs his own very successful business and has a fantastic time with all his friends.
I have had several careers but am now working as a medical receptionist..until the end of March and am also doing the document scanning in our main centre which I will continue to do until the end of April and then RETIRE! My younger son and I are going to the UK in May so if I do decide to become a demonstrator I will wait until after I come back in June. My husband is dead against my doing this as he says I cannot "sell" and my big fear is the phone.
Well now you know about me and I'm sorry to have bored you all..I look forward to being a part of this forum and collecting (more!) recipes!!
Happy cooking everyone. Maggie
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Re: Hi to you all. Introducing myself
Reply #1 on:
January 23, 2013, 11:45:56 am »
Hi Maggie and welcome to the forum. Well it was great that you finally managed to get the Thermomix into your home and I bet your nephews were pleased to hear your good news too. How wonderful that retirement is imminent - there is so much to do when you retire and with the Thermomix you will find yourself cooking like crazy. Recipe book addiction - mmm, don't tell anyone I told you this but our members are terrible addicts too. In fact, they may also lead you astray if you visit the shopping thread. If someone buys something, we all tend to buy it - but only if we need it and it's amazing just how many things we were unaware that we needed
Enjoy your time on here, enjoy your Thermomix and most of all, enjoy your retirement.
Judy from North Haven, South Australia
Make the most of every day, you never know what is around the corner.
Amy :-)
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Posts: 11385
Re: Hi to you all. Introducing myself
Reply #2 on:
January 23, 2013, 12:26:30 pm »
Hello Maggie, welcome to the forum and thanks for letting us know so much about you! We are very friendly here and talk about a lot more than just cooking
Looking forward to seeing you around a lot more
BTW I love the story behind your forum name
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Love life's little light bulb moments!!
Re: Hi to you all. Introducing myself
Reply #3 on:
January 23, 2013, 12:27:21 pm »
Hi Strawplash . . love the name - and its origin!! A very warm welcome to the forum!! So glad you decided to join us . . there's so much fun on here!! You'll have a ball with your TMX and eventually your DH will come to see its immense value, As you've probably become aware. it's not only food and cooking that we talk about here. Many thanks for your introduction - and looking forward to hearing more from you in the very near future!!
Hero Member
Posts: 7675
Re: Hi to you all. Introducing myself
Reply #4 on:
January 23, 2013, 02:35:07 pm »
Welcome Strawplash, and must say I thoroughly enjoyed reading your introduction.
Here's a list
of my some of favourite recipes here on the forum, and one of these days I will get around to updating it
I look forward to hearing more about your cooking adventure. Once your DH starts to eat the fabulous food that you will be knocking up, it will be him that will be out there spruiking the benefits of owning a TM don't you worry
Non Consultant from Perth, Western Australia
A balanced diet is a biscuit in each hand
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Re: Hi to you all. Introducing myself
Reply #5 on:
January 23, 2013, 06:43:47 pm »
Hello Maggie and welcome to the forum
i don't need a recipe i'm italian
Cornish Cream
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Re: Hi to you all. Introducing myself
Reply #6 on:
January 23, 2013, 07:42:16 pm »
Welcome to the forum Maggie
Don't cry over the past,it's gone.Don't stress about the future,it hasn't arrived.Live in the present and make it beautiful.
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Re: Hi to you all. Introducing myself
Reply #7 on:
January 23, 2013, 10:48:51 pm »
Welcome to the forum Maggie.
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Posts: 1068
Re: Hi to you all. Introducing myself
Reply #8 on:
January 24, 2013, 12:50:53 am »
Hi Maggie great to hear your story and love the choice of name. Many husbands of forum members are very reluctant at first, my DH still refer to my TMX as "that thing" or the over priced mixer!!! but... he is very gradually coming round. once when I came back from a night out my TMX was not quite how I left it as he had "made something in it!!" that was a worry as he had never even been shown how to turn it on. I think now though, he is just happy that I am in the kitchen more!! he certainly doesn't complain about eating the food I cook! If you are passionate about the product and like chatting to people I think being a demonstrator would be great, but if you have doubts maybe wait a while to think on it!!
Hero Member
Posts: 17053
Re: Hi to you all. Introducing myself
Reply #9 on:
January 24, 2013, 02:48:41 am »
Hi and welcome Maggie
My Thermomix, Kitchen Aid, Pizza oven, Nu Wave 5 in 1, Spatulas, all brings love, laughter, happiness, and great food to my kitchen.
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Re: Hi to you all. Introducing myself
Reply #10 on:
January 24, 2013, 03:03:28 am »
Hello Maggie and welcome to the forum
Hero Member
Posts: 7059
Re: Hi to you all. Introducing myself
Reply #11 on:
January 24, 2013, 03:43:56 am »
Hi Maggie and welcome. Love your forum name. I have two sons too, although they are 5 and 4yrs. DS5 has an imaginary friend called Owen. Very boring name compared with yours. Hoping you have as much fun on here as the rest of us. And yes you will collect more recipes than you ever imagined
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Posts: 37603
Re: Hi to you all. Introducing myself
Reply #12 on:
January 24, 2013, 04:10:22 am »
Welcome Maggie. You could almost have been describing quite a few of us in your introduction. Most of us suffer from a cookbook addiction and love cooking. Lots of DH's were initially not happy with tmx purchases but soon came round.
Enjoy all the fun you are about to have with your machine.
May all dairy items in your fridge be of questionable vintage.
Hero Member
Posts: 6821
Re: Hi to you all. Introducing myself
Reply #13 on:
January 24, 2013, 04:47:44 am »
Hello and Welcome Maggie.
Posts: 5
Re: Hi to you all. Introducing myself
Reply #14 on:
January 24, 2013, 08:55:04 am »
Thank you everyone for your great welcome. I must admit my 1st attempt using "Gordon" was to make breadcrumbs...you can imagine the comments..."most expensive breadcrumbs" etc etc. Gradually as I have practiced different things the "price" is coming down! He loved the chicken and ham pate, the Christmas terrine and absolutely went mad over the sauce for the warmed Brie. He doesn't like Brie but as there was so much sauce left over he uses it as a salad and vege dressing!! "when are you making more" is the comment now! So maybe there is hope...maybe!!
I know I will also be able to get round him with meatloaves! I told you I'm not good with computers...it took me ages to find this thread again so I will now add it to "My Favorites". Maggie (and Gordon)
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Hi to you all. Introducing myself