Sooo glad I learnt this in my consultant quiz otherwise mine would be in pieces also!! But seeing we're telling on ourselves will humiliate myself to tell you this story to show just how good the German engineering is..... Day 7 since arrival of TMX decide to whizz up a chai latte after making a batch of scones, pulling TMX apart and washing. Using the last of my chai syrup and half filling jug with milk - which is sitting nicely in the machine, I glance down and wonder to myself why the bottom of the jug IS STILL SITTING ON THE BENCH!!!! Look back to see what I think is the milk coming out of the machine! My hyperventilating brings DH to the kitchen and he is reassuringly yelling it's OK, it's OK, it is just coming out this hole here at the back! (oh! - That's what that is for!) "That's that good German Engineering for ya - They even thought of house wives that would do That!" He says. MMmmmm - he was listening when I told him about it. I felt sooo dumb!