Perhaps you could say that you have just realised the book must have been her demonstrator copy and would like to return it to her.
Also, do ask for a replacement measuring cup (and probably Varoma lid?). Mine was so cracked after just a few months. I phoned them up when my MIL told me it was because I put it in the dishwasher (well it is perfectly dishwasher safe and there is NO WAY i'm handwashing my TM all the time. Sometimes. Not always.
Vorwerk will be supplying green seals to affected machines. However it seems they have no one's details so don't expect that they will automatically be shipped. You need to call them. And not due in Australia for three weeks. Due to all be despatched by mid November I read.
Maybe it is infected with a virus
Update re sealsMy machine is also one of these that is in the affected range of service numbers. A lady from thermomix rang last night and we had a weird conversation about the replacing of these seals.For a start she said the seal would fix the problem . So I said that supposing my neighbour who has a TMX with 2 bowls and that is not in the affected range wanted to borrow the base of my machine and use one of her bowls on it would that be ok. No was the response because my machne is in the affected range, so I said that means the base of the machine also has a problem, no she said, your appliance is affected. I have read elsewhere advice from TMX that all machines in the affected range must always use a bowl with a green seal. So those that have 2 machines side by side would need to mark the affected one and use a bowl with a green seal on that machine and a grey seal on the other non affected machine. I tried to explain (to no avail) that if I was to sell my machine I would have to tell the prospective buyer for safety reason and as a duty of care that my machine was affected (which would lessen the value) . I am posting this to make people aware that according to TMX the appliance is affected by who knows what and that we(myself and TMX) differ on the definition of appliance. I think the bowl & base make up the appliance and I haven't a clue what their definition is.