My nana is 95 yo and loves lamb cutlets. she is not eating much and my mum reckons she is rationing her food -- she is showering herself, and making her bed (no one is allowed to do those things for her) I may wrap these up in a bit of alfoil and let her enjoy....her batteries are flat and she want to go tho as she says she has fulfulled her job on this earth. What she wants she has the full mind capacitiy at that age... God Bless Her...she will rest in peace anyway cos she is very easy to talk to and very broadminded -- she knows (and hopes) the end is near.. *(do I talk about this on a TMX site??)
Thanks for trying them CP63 - yes they are expensive but good for special occasions. Lamb is a luxury these days unfortunately.
Unless we all go to her place and help her out Kathryn I can remember 40 years ago buying hindquarters of beef and sides of lamb for the freezer and thinking nothing of it but I'd hate to think how much it would cost today.
Unless you are ILB who happens to have more than she knows what to do with for just the two of them, the poor thing! She will be eating Lamb still at Easter time lol