Ok, I am prepared to look stupid here, but I'm asking the question anyway.
Just took delivery of my TM5 and tried it out firstly, with mayonnaise, one of the built in recipes.
When I came to add the oil, I seemed to have too much.
It didn't all get mixed in by the time the TM had stopped doing it's stuff. I just thought I'd done something stupid.
I then made Leek and Potato soup (another built in recipe) and it was then that I noticed that when you press "next" and the instructions say to add 100g of something, the scales are showing at zero, but when you take the MC off to actually add the 100g, the scales go to MINUS 40g.That being the weight of the measuring cup, presumably.
So if you add 100g of the new ingredient, say 100g of potatoes, if you don't remember to zero the scales, you are actually adding 140g.
This seems crazy because you can't add ingredients without taking the MC off.
Have I missed something here?