Kiwi fruit and apple jamI couldn’t find a recipe for kiwi fruit jam here, actually I couldn’t find a “quick and easy” recipe anywhere, so I thought I’d wing it and create one. To my surprise, the jam turned out beautifully. I thought it might be “seedy” but it’s not, it’s delicious, and easy to make... So easy that I'm not sure if it's a recipe at all. Here’s what I did.
-approx 600 grams kiwi fruit (about a dozen)
-a green apple, cored and roughly chopped
-juice of a lemon
-200 grams sugar*
1. Cut the kiwi fruit (across) in half, scoop out the flesh with a dessert spoon and put into tmx bowl.
2. Add the other ingredients to the tmx bowl.
3. Cook 30 mins 100C/speed 1.
4. Cook 10 mins Varoma/speed 1.
5. Pour into sterilised jars and seal. (Makes two small Mason jars)
6. Cool, then refrigerate.
*My kiwi fruit were sweet, so I decreased the sugar to fruit ratio. You could increase the sugar to taste.
Because I reduced the sugar by so much I have shortened the jam’s shelf life. I’ll keep it in the fridge and use within a month or so. Shouldn’t be a problem here
You could puree the fruit on speed 9 for a few seconds before cooking. I like texture so I didn’t.