Well, after all the helpful hints on smoking - thanks again
- I arrived back from my holiday yesterday. Totally fishless. We had storms, flooding, all the little things that make fishing totally unfun.
After standing on a pier for one and half hours waiting for some sympathetic flounder to nibble the bait with gale force winds belting against us, we decided to give up and walked bedraggled and disappointed back to the car. "Catch anything?", asked some really ancient man. "Only a cold," I said. He talked about how much he'd love to go fishing, his grandchildren really love fishing with him, only the wife is against it. "She has a Thermomix. All she does is play with it. The whole day." I told him there were some really good fish recipes out there for the TMX. Maybe he should buy her the relevant fish cookery books? "Oh, she has all of the books," he said. "She even has a
recipe file (last two words were spat out in disgust)."
How many husbands of Thermomix owners are suffering out there?! Maybe Thermomixing is a kind of addiction. But, hey, we can stop whenever we want, can't we?