Now I have my Thermomix I am sure I will find myself using other appliances less. and those will be sold.What appliances have others found they no longer use and have gotten rid of?I have a food processorI doubt you'll ever need it unless you're doing multiple things at onceyoghurt maker - def. goingabsolutely - try Canadian Foodie's yoghurtrice cooker - handy to be able to cook rice while the main is cooking - good for larger quantiitesbread machineI like my tmx breadbaymix I'm giving mine to my sister as haven't used it since TMX
Isnt it funny how one of the selling points of the thermomix is that you dont need anyhthing else in your kitchen! yet almost everyone has kept thing things the TM is meant to replace!! dont let Grace know I wouldnt get rid of my slow cooker - TM just doesnt cut it for stew type of meals, same with my pressure cooker, if I only have an hour to make a casserole I would use my pressure cooker over my TMi do wish I had a Kitchen Aid as I think it would be much better for cakes....but I think I will have do to a lot of justifying to get one of those!