This recipe is adapted from a fantastic book called "Bubby's homemade pies" I bought in Sydney. From the US, mainly sweet, but some savoury. This biscuit recipe is primarily to make biscuit crumbs for pie bases, but the biscuits are pretty good!
1.5 cups plain flour
3/4 cup Dutch or good quality cocoa
1.24 tsp baking powder
Pinch salt
175g unsalted butter
1 large egg
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1.25 cups sugar
The recipe called for all sorts of blending and creaming. I threw everything in together, mixed it on 5 until blended, using the spatula to push down the sides. Then I kneaded it briefly on
until it came together. Roll into a 5cm cylinder and refrigerate for 2 hours. Cut into 3 mm slices and bake on oven paper for 8-10 minutes at 180, leave to cool. Crumb some for a biscuit base, eat the rest.
members' commentsThermomixer - You can of course just make the mix and place in the base for the cheesecake rather than making the biscuits? Maybe add just a tad more butter. I made a similar mix in a whole piece to crumb as decoration for a dessert - could easily have been a base for a cheesecake.
Paul - The other thing you can do is just roll out one sheet and bake it. But it's nice to have some leftover biscuits to munch.
cathy79 - For those who are wondering about quantity, recipe made approx 500 g of biscuits. I needed 250 g for the cheesecake base. So the little biscuits I have left are perfect for little hands and toilet training treats.