You can simply freeze it then when you make another batch, defrost it and add more of the new, unsalted butter until you have the taste that you want.In the future the best way is to spread it fairly thin on the drain board, remove half and salt the remainder, a little at a time.I have found that some batches take less butter and some take more - I don't know why but it is so.Then, if the first half is a bit too salty, you can add some of the plain back into it. I always keep some unsalted as I have some recipes that require unsalted butter. Here is a link to some "composed butters" that are excellent. I don't care for anchovies but I like anchovy butter...
pity you dont have access to a french supermarket as there is heaps of salted butter here...thankyoiu brittany and normandy...the best butter i have ever tasted was from bretagne (or brittany) from a local farm and it was divine salted homemade butter ...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Have you tried the Butter Chicken recipe in the Indian Cookbook yet? It is to-die-for Much better than the version in the EDC.Happy cooking,Miss G.
thats another reason im not a fan of fine salt....makes everything salt where as the sllightly bigger salt cristals or flakes give a nice balance of salt and unsalted
yes over here they have a butter called la motte andit is just that salted butter with larger crystals...yummmm